Finally got my Florida hunt in this year.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2012
Spring Lake Michigan
So after moving flights and price jumps for the hog ranch I go to every year we finally made it down. Last year was the first time for the owner at a new property and if not for the flooding it would have been amazing. So we all thought this year would be the cats ***. Nope. Every year we shoot at least 50 pigs from our group. It's pay per pig so he makes a killing. This year we showed up and hunted 3 days in his large pen and saw nothing not even tracks I even put out 20 gallons of corn soaked In sugar for 14 days up wind and nothing. Only pigs around were in a 1 acre pen not my idea of fun. This was after several long conversations with him stating we had no interest. We usually have 15 guys for the 4 days this year we were down to 5 because the price went from 150 to 200 per pig in one year. Now he was vocal about pigs costing only $50 each. We even send down large down payments so we make sure he can afford to buy pigs. Now this is not a hunt per say it's a guys weekend to shoot pigs. We had a good run at seven years but guess it came to an end as the last remaining guys said never again after this year. Needles to say I'm sad and left hoping I can purchase my own land or this hunt in the near future. Sucks cause it's the best group of guys I've ever know they always got down early and brought and set up stands and feeders to help the guys out. I think creed got in the way of a good thing again. ☹️
Yes exactly. We had an amazing few years and every year it got worse. I have a feeling he has was not paying suppliers on time and has a guide working for him that is telling him everyone else is getting $300 a hog. For that price I wont hunt hogs. It was nice because we had full run of the place and used the honor system for hog count that worked well with our group. Just gets old every year I try to make it a better hunt to end up looking like an a hole to the people I bring down. The search is on for new hunting ground now.
That sucks!

I firmly believe that the only way to ensure one's ability to hunt is to purchase hunting land.

Just curious, but have you checked into hunt clubs in FL? If you guys are paying that much for hogs, a membership in a hunt club might be cheaper. You guys would be the perfect hunt club members - ones that pay their dues and rarely show up! :)
If you don't mind the excessive bears you can lease timber land around the panhandle for real cheap. We leased about 2600 acres for around 3k annually if I remember right. It was a couple yrs ago, my buddy handled the paperwork and I can't recall the name of the timber company but I'll ask if it's something your interested in. It was near apalachicola not far from box r ranch and the Tate's hell wma. The area is covered in pigs and held some quality deer, just not the deer numbers we were after. The fing bears will drive you up a wall.
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