fighting or playing?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2009
I cant tell if these two are fighting or playing
this went on for sometime but alos have pics of them both eating happlily
My guess would be neither. Probaly just figuring out the pecking order as to whom the boss is gonna be. If they fed peacefully afterward it sounds like they got it hammered out.
they where feeding peacefully for days before and afterwards
there was one small match up the day before this one but it was short
this one went on for 15-20 mins
but I think you are right just figuring out who is the boss
but I think the dark one was the winner
nice pics...

what are you using for bait over there ? attractant ?

I been using dogfood covered in Hardee's fryer grease, subway bread, and chicken scraps.
the cheapest dog food I can get
sometimes I add a fruit flavored jello mix over it.
Just dump it on top I figure the wind picks up the little cryatals can carries them off as a scent trail.
If we boil bear crack then we pour it on top but dont do that all the time
Cheap fruit from the fruit stands (#2 grade ect) and the fruit from our trees that is on the ground.
I really try to keep it simple they are hungry and will eat
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