Federal Land Sale

The thought of selling off our federal lands is shocking. In my opinion our federal lands are what makes our country wealthy. Currently the federal lands are being locked up like wilderness. This is not good either. The solution is not to sell it. The solution is to use it. Open the land up to harvest of timber, mining, and drilling. Production of raw material is what will make our country great again. As we are right now we are all competing for the same dollar. It is just a money shuffle going on with quite a bit of the money leaving our country because we purchase our raw material from other countries. We sell off our public land and we will be just like Europe with high fences and no access other than the wealthy who can pay to use the land.

I know I am late to the party, but this deserves some discussion. There's something going on out west. True none of us want public hunting land to be sold privately, but the other side of the coin is just as ugly. Sweeping the west are environmental groups pushing for special restrictive designations like wilderness and wilderness study area, ACEC (area of critical environmental concern), and national monument. Make no mistake, the groups pushing these designations do not appear to be hunters. Even more dangerous yet is becoming a national park. Look into who owns national parks and all the world heritage site garbage before you buy into any of these special designations.
I decided some time back, if we want to beat liberal environmental groups, we have to think like them. Don't be afraid to contact your federal senators and representatives by phone or email. I have actually had good responses from their local offices. There seems to be the idea that we cannot leave public land just the way it is. Sensible people have got to band together to keep it just the way it is, and if you don't tell your elected officials they won't know. Make some noise for your cause and get some attention.

There definitely seems to be a scramble to do something with federal land. Our nation is just like any other land owner. If you get too far in debt you have two choices. Sell it, or have it be foreclosed on. I suspect our national debt has something to do this. Real estate is the only thing this nation has of real value. I'm pretty sure nobody lends to the federal government based on financial fundamentals.
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