Fawn Killer Gets Lead Poisoning, Is that a good thing?


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A little gory but he was looking straight at me when I popped him with a 208 gr ELD M, at say 80 yards if I recall. Did not even wiggle after he hit the ground. Hit it slightly to the right of his nose just above his lip.

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Yep you are right but he's gonna need some dental work as well. Healthy animal.
First, well done sir and good recount of the event.

I am like you, they are a part of the system and I like to see all of God's critters. I enjoy listening to them call at night too. That said, we have had an explosion in coyote population in Kentucky. Our rule is if you see them, you shoot them.
Good Rule!
There are cross' out there and often people can't tell you for sure if it was a coyote or a coyote dog cross . I can tell you that some of the cross' here are quite large and have little fear of humans . As time goes on I'm pretty sure that you will be seeing more and more coyote dog cross' and fewer pure coyote . The cross breeds here tend to run in packs more then the true coyote do and they also tend to do more killing for the chase then the coyote .
There are cross' out there and often people can't tell you for sure if it was a coyote or a coyote dog cross . I can tell you that some of the cross' here are quite large and have little fear of humans . As time goes on I'm pretty sure that you will be seeing more and more coyote dog cross' and fewer pure coyote . The cross breeds here tend to run in packs more then the true coyote do and they also tend to do more killing for the chase then the coyote .

The coydog is a myth
Let me see if i can find it. Maybe less but from what i was told but never seen or confirmed only what i was told from a trapper. So could he be lie/ exaggerating yup.
I think wolves have a place in the chain of life. I know ranchers and elk/deer hunter may have a different opinion, but nature has a balancing system. Wolves take out the sick elk ect. We all know the equitation. In nature there has to be a balance. When one species get more abundant well another has to go. We can debate this until the end of time.
I do think that coyotes are much much more devastating than wolves. One you don't see wolves in downtown Atlanta. I have worked with wolves in captivity/wild and they are a very timid animal, coyotes are opposite. Wolves only breed to keep their pack within what the area has for food. Coyotes breed like rats. The more you kill the more they breed.
Don't get me wrong, but I respect all animals. Over 50+ years of hunting I don't just want to shoot and kill something just to kill it-UNLESS there is a purpose to kill it. I like to eat wild game! I have killed squirrels because they destroyed my wiring on my truck and tractor (shot over 250 but cooked them), shot 10 of dozens of hogs (ate some, but not the big boars), killed every coyote I have seen and never ate them.
Would love to shoot a Wolf if it was in an area where they were a problem and there was a population to keep them in check.
Just remember if we, as hunters now, Kill everything, what will be left for future generations!!!!!
Sorry to say, but you believed the propaganda. Wolves and coyotes take anything they can get, not just the "weak, sick and injured." I've watched wolves go through a herd of caribou, killing as many as they could without eating anything. I've watched a pair of coyotes chase down and kill a healthy, large mule deer doe. They literally ran her to death after chasing her into a blind canyon. There is no "balance" in nature, prey animal populations hit peaks and valleys and predator populations follow suit.

Predators, however, can cause those valleys in the prey populations. We've had significant declines in antelope, Coues and mule deer fawn recruitment in many areas of Arizona because of coyotes since the ban on leg-hold traps was passed back in the 90's. The problem with coyotes is that they are omnivores to an extent. If the prey population is low, they just switch to eating something else so the coyote population is fine.
Ok too many others on a NJ site saying its a dog or wolf cant be real. so wont post it to cause controversy. But our yotes ars pretty darn big. I'll correct what i said. Too much hearsay and dont want to stirr any pot.
Ok too many others on a NJ site saying its a dog or wolf cant be real. so wont post it to cause controversy. But our yotes ars pretty darn big. I'll correct what i said. Too much hearsay and dont want to stirr any pot.
I'd like to see the picture, just out of curiosity. I wouldn't accuse you of anything nefarious. You've already stated that you don't know the origin.

I'd say if a 75lb coyote is possible, an 80lb coyote is possible. If that 75lb record dog was killed on a calf pile, he may have been 80lb+. I always like to think the biggest critters aren't killed by humans, and that's what keeps me excited every time I leave the truck.
Sorry to say, but you believed the propaganda. Wolves and coyotes take anything they can get, not just the "weak, sick and injured." I've watched wolves go through a herd of caribou, killing as many as they could without eating anything. I've watched a pair of coyotes chase down and kill a healthy, large mule deer doe. They literally ran her to death after chasing her into a blind canyon. There is no "balance" in nature, prey animal populations hit peaks and valleys and predator populations follow suit.

Predators, however, can cause those valleys in the prey populations. We've had significant declines in antelope, Coues and mule deer fawn recruitment in many areas of Arizona because of coyotes since the ban on leg-hold traps was passed back in the 90's. The problem with coyotes is that they are omnivores to an extent. If the prey population is low, they just switch to eating something else so the coyote population is fine.
I never said that wolves and coyotes only eat the sick & Injured and it's not propaganda I follow. The sick/injured/young are the first to go because they can be caught easier and yes packs do take down the healthy animals. Wolves hunt in packs and coronadite their hunt just like they are communicating. Years ago they said coyotes were basically lone hunters, but it has been proven that coyotes are hunting in packs just like wolves. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog (145#s) that has killed several coyotes, but if 3or 4 got on him, he probably wouldn't survive.
You should read my whole post. If you see from our company name "Coyote Shadow Tracker, LLC." that I have been a very avid & efficient coyote eliminator for many years.. As far as "There is no balance in nature" I wouldn't even think of debating that with you or in fact any other subject.