Coyote killed my dog.


I could tell you how to do it, but it is just too cruel. After all, they kill so humanely.
... but it involves a tree, steel leader, a treble hook, and a piece of liver
Disclaimer: ... check the game laws in your state for compliance...

I live in a rural neighborhood all the places have 3 to 5 acre lots. Lot of wildlife walk thru the yards. I had a coyote kill 1 of my winnie dogs thursday morning about 4:30 am. I have been watching my yard with thermals and I got a look at him this morning about the same time. I only have 1 direction i can get a shot on him because of the houses around me.
I took a shot at him but it was a bad shot and i didnt hit him he ran off. I should have waited but my desire to kill this animal got the best of me. Will they usually come back after a couple days or did i miss my chance. I dont know anything about coyotes.
They are nasty! That's why I would love to see Bingo corner one!
He would unleash a biting and shaking storm like a coyote has never seen.
The Coyote would be shocked out in a few minutes and dead shortly after.
@chopit I have a detailed article from a guy at my job who traps coyotes on his farm. It is insanely detailed step by step instructions to specifically target coyotes. He gets about 50-60 coyotes a year on his farm. PM me your email and I'll send you the article. Sorry about your dog. It was so good it was published in Georgia outdoor news. I'm the same way with my beagle. I wouldn't rest until the coyote was eliminated.
If you
I'd be more afraid of the neighbor than a fox attack... :eek:
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I could tell you how to do it, but it is just too cruel. After all, they kill so humanely.
... but it involves a tree, steel leader, a treble hook, and a piece of liver
Disclaimer: ... check the game laws in your state for compliance...

That's an awful pic. Poor deer. Mother Nature shows no mercy.
Good luck with coyote eradication! They are hard to trap and rarely will give a chance to shoot them. Talk to a trapper and learn his techniques. As far as using a .17 caliber rifle, the .17 HMR is okay with a good hit, but are range limited. I've had some pretty good kills with my .17 Remington, prefer my .204 Ruger, .233R, or 22-250. All can be used with frangible bullets if you are worried about ricochetes. Coyotes are very adaptable and have learned to survive around people. You will probably always have some around unless you hunt them into extinction. Either build a coyote proof fence or don't ever let your pets run around outside unsupervised. But don't give hunting them. Learn to call. Calling can work on uneducated coyotes. Hunting em is fun.
One note, it is a federal crime to poison wildlife. So do not do it. You never know who might be listening or when. PETA nitwits are all around.

Also, know your local hunting regs. Hunting rights and gun ownership is always at risk.
I live in a rural neighborhood all the places have 3 to 5 acre lots. Lot of wildlife walk thru the yards. I had a coyote kill 1 of my winnie dogs thursday morning about 4:30 am. I have been watching my yard with thermals and I got a look at him this morning about the same time. I only have 1 direction i can get a shot on him because of the houses around me.
I took a shot at him but it was a bad shot and i didnt hit him he ran off. I should have waited but my desire to kill this animal got the best of me. Will they usually come back after a couple days or did i miss my chance. I dont know anything about coyotes.
Try the trebble hook trap. Used in east. Dm me I'll explain it. The pict above of the coyote on the fence is why it works so well.
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