Coyote killed my dog.

Wow thanks mike338. I asked a question about coyotes cause this is a hunting forum. When I need pet advice I will be sure to look you up. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice i ask for about COYOTES. I remember now why I dont post on here.
morning, do not get discouraged. the coyotes r there for sure.
I've seen treble hooks put in pieces of chicken. hung from tree
limbs. I seen chicken soaked in car anti-freeze, put out for bait.
lots of ways to bait coyotes. u have peta lovers, do not hurt
the poor coyote or wolf. their pets and livestock r not getting
killed and eaten by these vicious bast ards. the advice of
road kill is good advise. coyotes or cunning, adaptive and
vicious. read about their diet-habits-mating-vocal
communications. I have lots of books-use utube see how
the professionals do their hunting and killings. justme gbot tum
Wow thanks mike338. I asked a question about coyotes cause this is a hunting forum. When I need pet advice I will be sure to look you up. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice i ask for about COYOTES. I remember now why I dont post on here.

Just hoping you don't lose any more dogs to predators. For what it's worth, you can lose them to owls as well. But to respond more specifically to your question, will the yote return after being shot at. Yes, at some point he'll likely return although probably not soon and it's unlikely you'll get the same shot opportunity the way it originally presented itself. That wasn't a pup so it had, at the very least, it's had a bit of time to wise up. If it were me, I'd change tactics.
I had one standing off with my dog, face to face in the yard a couple years ago. Thing was going nuts yapping in her face. She was just waiting for him to make a move (great dane). I shot it 5 times with .17 hmr at 25 yards. It just took it. At the fifth shot it took off running and collapsed about 300 yards out in the field.
I live in a rural neighborhood all the places have 3 to 5 acre lots. Lot of wildlife walk thru the yards. I had a coyote kill 1 of my winnie dogs thursday morning about 4:30 am. I have been watching my yard with thermals and I got a look at him this morning about the same time. I only have 1 direction i can get a shot on him because of the houses around me.
I took a shot at him but it was a bad shot and i didnt hit him he ran off. I should have waited but my desire to kill this animal got the best of me. Will they usually come back after a couple days or did i miss my chance. I dont know anything about coyotes.
You moved in to his hunting grounds..Don't blame him!!
Do they uaually come back if i wait a couple days? I want this animal to come back.
May take a few days but they'll be back, if you can bait them to a area you can shoot in that direction good old stinky can of cheap cat food will do if its above freezing.
Please make sure you have a good understanding of your local laws pertaining to shooting close to homes or at night. But, as for his return, he WILL be back. We have packs of coyotes and they work an area for awhile and then move to more bountiful hunting areas but seem to come back regularly.
If there is any way you can set up a
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Good luck. May you inflict justice for your pooch.
I agree with Greyfox! Fence in a section of your yard where the dog can be safe. I am in northern NH and I did that 15 years ago. See thru wire fence works. You can see thru to take a Coyote if need be. Usualy there is more than one Coyote. We have a pack of them here. You can hear them howling off in the distance. I use a .22 LR and go for a head shot. Lots of woods around our place and 25 to 50 yards vizability. A 22 shot placed well will drop them!
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