Coyote carnage.

Ohlongarm , It wasn't an attack on you it was just stating that most people don't take coyote control seriously they are just out for pleasure hunts . And saying that there are those that do take it seriously and that there have been studies done on coyote control by different groups . and they show that not all of the biologists are out to save the coyote that's all that I was trying to say .
I didn't take a lot of pictures I just did it .People that do it and do it well are the minority most are just pleasure hunters if you take it seriously you qualify . I didn't kill a lot of coyote compared to others I only averaged 216 per year for 36 years not counting the pups or the ones taken from the air . Take a look at page 93 of ramblings and such that was from a week this year in April it's all fun and good when your killing coyote it doesn't matter if your doing it for pleasure or as a control worker does it ? Those pictures were taken to show the reproductive tract of the coyote and a typical den site here , we all do what we can and when we're gone the coyote will come back in our areas like they were before we did any thing . The kids that took over the ranch's I worked for sold the sheep and hunt their coyote just for fun now so they have the large numbers of coyote that were there when I started . They have gas and oil so they don't need to raise livestock for a living any longer
I know what you're saying , but I've always enjoyed pictures, and have taken many throughout the years. In your country I'd be considered an amateur, in my country most don't care or believe, lots of weekend warriors. To each his own, rest assured I'll never have a shortage living within this 23000 acres. With virtually no pressure from outsiders. Not to mention another five thousand acquired shooting farmers groundhogs. I started snaring at age 6 and got caught in Parma Ohio snaring ringnecks with monofilament snares, nothing happened too young, but I never stopped just never got caught again. Coyotes are #1 passion, squirrels #2 deer #3. For the year so far 2021 i'm knocking on the door of around 30 yotes. Little tough now in wooded areas.
I wasn't much older when a cousin taught me to use a figure four trigger system and bait for rabbits and birds . I was transplanted in southern Indiana for a few years but the day they put me there I told them I was going back to Wyoming as soon as I could it just wasn't home to me . And am so very glad that people like to live other places .
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