Coyote - 525 Yard Called Head Shot From Powder River Predators Video

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
This is from the Powder River Predators DVD. This DVD is unlike any coyote DVD I have seen before. Lots of behavioral segments while setting up for the shot. The hunters and producers are three guys from the Gillette, Wyoming area. Jesse Crump is the shooter and his other 2 partners' names are Hazer Bulkley and Wes Brown.

You can buy their DVD on their web site at:
Powder River Predators

Their DVD is Sponsored by Nightforce Optics

YouTube - Coyote-525YardHeadShot
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I have that video and it's very good. I got it from the guys who make their barrels... Benchmark... previously Bison Barrels. I can't say enough about Benchmark, they're great.
Hey, this is Jesse Crump with Powder River Predators. Glad that you guys like the head shot. We are very proud to have caught that on camera. We won the Campbell County Predator Callers Coyote Calling Competition last weekend with 19 coyotes. By far our best weekend of coyote calling. Maybe Len can post pictures. Talk to you soon.

Gotta say, I'm impressed!

I am a little surprised that the bullet didn't exit... did it just go on into the body cavity (given the angle) or did it all just stay in the cranium? I've heard the 105 AMax has a reputation for being a pretty explosive varmint bullet shaped like a match/target bullet :D but I would have expected *some* penetration...?


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We were also suprised the bullet did not exit. You would think that at 525 yds the bullet would be going slower, and not come apart, but there is alot of bone in the nose/head area. I don't think it went into the neck or body, because of coyotes position, but we didn't spend a whole lote of time analyzing him.
I was shooting a 6-284 with 105 A-max going 3380 out of a Bison Barrel Rifle with new rubber filled flutes - a vibration reducing technology.
that was sweet..... where do i get that video...
Hey guys i'm new to this so we will see what happens I'm the gunsmith and one of the fella's in the video thanks for watching. The rest of the video is available at in their video vault. 10 kills over 500yrds. It is alot of fun to combine long range with coyote hunting.
I can't wait for the fall coyote season out west so I am watching the video again this week. Man, that is some fun hunting!

Get the video here. BUY THE VIDEO

These guys need to be encouraged to keep making great videos, so buy one for yourself and one for your dad for Fathers' Day.
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