Competition Primer Seater & 280 cases in just over 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
Live stream of approx. 280 pieces of 6 Dasher being primed on our Competition Primer Seater on a recent live stream. The CPS can prime at a rate of over 1000 cases per hour with ease, without wearing you out. ES of .002" with an SD of less than .0005 across this batch of cases with 6 firings, and the primer pockets have not been uniformed.

This system of priming works well. I use it in my progressive pistol machine. Only potential downside is if you detonate a primer - the blast will involve all primers in the tube and you can have quite a Roman Candle. There was a piece and photos on this a while back.
This system of priming works well. I use it in my progressive pistol machine. Only potential downside is if you detonate a primer - the blast will involve all primers in the tube and you can have quite a Roman Candle. There was a piece and photos on this a while back.
The design of our tool is drastically different than what you see on progressive presses. They have almost nothing in common, with the exception of the priming tube itself. I would respectfully ask that unless you have first hand experience with our tool, that you not speculate regarding the design, as it is quite different.
This system of priming works well. I use it in my progressive pistol machine. Only potential downside is if you detonate a primer - the blast will involve all primers in the tube and you can have quite a Roman Candle. There was a piece and photos on this a while back.
I never used the one that came with my RCBS because of that potential explosion like in the post.
This system of priming works well. I use it in my progressive pistol machine. Only potential downside is if you detonate a primer - the blast will involve all primers in the tube and you can have quite a Roman Candle. There was a piece and photos on this a while back.
There's no way to cause a detonation to go up the primer tube, there's about a solid inch of metal in between the ram and the stack and no way to compress a primer other than during the ram stroke which involves there being a block in place between the pimer tube and ram. This isn't an RCBS bench primer.

The only draw back so far is that it's annoying to reset for different cases, because once you become accustom to seating this way it's hard to accept anything less. I only wish I had multiple of them. AMP gets the edge here because you just program the code in, the CPS takes like a solid 3 minutes of intelligent thought to use.
There's no way to cause a detonation to go up the primer tube, there's about a solid inch of metal in between the ram and the stack and no way to compress a primer other than during the ram stroke which involves there being a block in place between the pimer tube and ram. This isn't an RCBS bench primer.

The only draw back so far is that it's annoying to reset for different cases, because once you become accustom to seating this way it's hard to accept anything less. I only wish I had multiple of them. AMP gets the edge here because you just program the code in, the CPS takes like a solid 3 minutes of intelligent thought to use.
Do you have a PrimeWhere? It makes it easier to go between setups.
There's no way to cause a detonation to go up the primer tube, there's about a solid inch of metal in between the ram and the stack and no way to compress a primer other than during the ram stroke which involves there being a block in place between the pimer tube and ram. This isn't an RCBS bench primer.

The only draw back so far is that it's annoying to reset for different cases, because once you become accustom to seating this way it's hard to accept anything less. I only wish I had multiple of them. AMP gets the edge here because you just program the code in, the CPS takes like a solid 3 minutes of intelligent thought to use.
I'd take the setup time over continuing to use the rcbs bench mount palm crusher haha.

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