Christopher Michael Murtha


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
I just wanted to reach out to all those who sent their prayers for Michael ( the name he is called by ). Michael had a rough go this past week, upon operating for cancer the doctors found it was much worse than expected and had to perform the wipple procedure on him. So far it looks good however and doctors are optimistic for his recovery .
The family was overwhelmed with all your prayers and Joanna his mother believes it helped Michael pull through his rough surgery. You also helped her as well and she remains upbeat !I also want to say I am honored to be a member of this forum with all the positivity you all bring day in and day out . A very humble thank you to you all for your support and I ask you to keep Michael in your prayers .
You can also be assured that many more people prayed than responded on this site. And will continue to do so.
I just wanted to reach out to all those who sent their prayers for Michael ( the name he is called by ). Michael had a rough go this past week, upon operating for cancer the doctors found it was much worse than expected and had to perform the wipple procedure on him. So far it looks good however and doctors are optimistic for his recovery .
The family was overwhelmed with all your prayers and Joanna his mother believes it helped Michael pull through his rough surgery. You also helped her as well and she remains upbeat !I also want to say I am honored to be a member of this forum with all the positivity you all bring day in and day out . A very humble thank you to you all for your support and I ask you to keep Michael in your prayers .
You know God knows your thoughts, and a breath is as good as a length prayer. ALL pray a breath or thought prayer for a speedy recovery.
I just wanted to reach out to all those who sent their prayers for Michael ( the name he is called by ). Michael had a rough go this past week, upon operating for cancer the doctors found it was much worse than expected and had to perform the wipple procedure on him. So far it looks good however and doctors are optimistic for his recovery .
The family was overwhelmed with all your prayers and Joanna his mother believes it helped Michael pull through his rough surgery. You also helped her as well and she remains upbeat !I also want to say I am honored to be a member of this forum with all the positivity you all bring day in and day out . A very humble thank you to you all for your support and I ask you to keep Michael in your prayers .
God knows your thoughts and a breath is as good as a drawn out prayer. All breath and think of a speedy recovery