Candian Moose Hunt


Nov 15, 2004
El Reno, OK
Well I am one ****ed off country boy.

I just spent 7 days in northwest saskatchewan and the largest mammal I saw was a freakin squirrel. Our moose hunt was a complete bust. Not only did we not kill any moose but we didn't see any, hear any, or smell any.

I am not intersted telling a big long story about this but I will say that the country was beautiful and the Candian people are insanely nice, a nice change from us resident pricks here in Oklahoma /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I did have a really nice time and it was a hell of a experince but as far as the hunting goes it was a major disapointment. A large fire moved in about a mile away from the lakes we hunted on and I think this caused the moose to move out.

Our guide did try like hell to get us a moose but he could only do so much. I will post some pics tommorrow of our camp and the area. Hope the rest of you guys have better luck on your hunts than I did.

Take it easy

Sorry about you not getting your moose. Guess that's why it's called hunting. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

At least you had a great trip and what sounded like a good all around experience. This just means that you have a reason to go back. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

As long as your guide did everything he could, in the area you could hunt, then I don't know what more could have been done. Sounds like the fire might have put a hex on your hunt.

Will be looking forward to seeing the pictures of your hunt later.
I completely feel your pain! I spent the last 10 years trying to get drawn for California Elk and finally did it this year. I hunted hard 10 days and never saw a SINGLE elk. And I had a cow tag!!! So if I had seen even so much as a COW I could have gone home happy but NOOOOOOO I didn't see a **** F&amp;#$ING THING!!!! Not to mention that most of the elk that were killed were FROM THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!!! And here I busted my *** hunting all over the place and here I fianlly get back to my truck from a hard days hunt and there's 5 elk dead next to the side of the road with 5 different groups gutting them out. **** ROAD HUNTER WIN AGAIN!!!
here's my hard luck story

Had a brand new gun built, Tested bullets like crazy. Dailed in the scope. Morning of opening day, 5X5 elk @ 500 yds. Just a sure thing. Couldn't miss. I could roll a running jack rabbit at that range. Nothing could go wrong. I was the best rile shot west of the Mississippi River.

**** finnicky Ruger # 1 forestock was resting on a hard object in my pack back and shot went three feet over the bull's back. Never saw another elk that season.

Life is about trying hard, even then sometimes you do not succeed. But if you do not try, it is guaranteed you will not succeed.

I am 57 years old and have never killed a moose so I have something to look forward to when I retire. Thats really great to me that I still have lots of stuff to accomplish. Hell, I might even try my hand at 1000 yd pdogs.

Keep on Truckin
Man I just keep getting more and more ****ed,

Tell me if this doesn't sound screwed up. I spent 7 days in one of the most sought after hunting areas on earth and not only did I not see any moose, I didn't see any caribou, bears, wolverines , anything. Absoulutly no animal was seen other than a bird that weighed more than a beer can!!!!!!!

It just doesn't seem right to me that we didn't see any wildlife in freakin saskatchewan!!!!!!!

Sorry I am just venting here. I have never been hunting outside of Oklahoma and this whole thing has just really ****ed me off.

I have friends that own guide businesses. Everyone of them is a salesman. Yes, a cut above car salesman, but they are all have the same traits. They are there to make money.

I spent three weeks river back trolling on the Kenai river and never even saw a big king caught. But sitting around the office and the phone would ring about making reservations and the "saleman" approach is next to a fiction story out of a tabloid.

I don't care how nice they appear. They know exactly what's going on. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif Because they live there and have all the other locals to talk to.

I also used to work a gaurantied guide service for bear and mountian lion. The customer paid more, but the opposite was also true we didn't get a dime if we didn't tree an animal for them.
Well here are the pics of the trip. These are only a few of them, sorry there isn't a dead animals in here.

Here is my dad with 3 Northern Pike he caught in the lake we stayed on, Hidden Lake.

Here is another pic of my dad while we were leaving one hunting spot. If you look around his head you can see several mosquitos that are chasing us out into the lake. Those **** things will drive you to drinking /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

This is our camp. I am sitting on the far right whittling a piece of wood. My brother in law is sitting next to me and the guy on the left is our guide. We are sitting in the kitchen area.

Here is a pic of me with one of the several Northern Pike we caught.

This first pic here is of me, dad, and matt all in the boat on the morning of our first time hunting. Notice the happy excited faces of hunters expecting to kill moose. The second pic is of me and matt hunting the last morning, look at the difference in our faces.


This last pic is just a nice looking sunrise I caught on film some random morning.

Just thought you all might like these.

take it easy
The faces tell everything. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

At least you got in some good fishing. There'll be another time and on that trip you can take the 270 AM and do it right!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I went out for a moose/elk hunt last year and spent 19 days in prime moose country including the horse back ride in and out and didn't get anything. There were only 3 days when it didn't rain or snow, we were at 4500' and 59 degrees north. Still I enjoyed the trip eventhough I had to call it a camping trip instead of hunting trip, lol. On one of the clear days I over-looked the opposite valley and saw at least 6 bull moose on the other side from 275 yds to 700 yds through the afternoon. This was after the antler change here in BC and I could only shoot a bull with either 10 points or more on one side or with a 3 point brow tine. A saw one that was legal, but there were two other bulls with him one I could see wasn't legal and the other might have been legal, but I never got a good enough look through the tres to tell if they were legal to shoot at that range with the equipment and my level of practice. This is what caused me to up-grade to my 338/378.
Those two comparison photos really do say volumes. I hunt Sask quite a bit and I don't think I have ever been that skunked. Who did you hunt with? Because I do hunt up there I'd really like to know.
I hate to bad mouth the guide because he really did try his damndest to get us a moose but there was little he could do. We hunted about about 1.5 hrs NNE of Buffalo Narrows by float plane.

Beautiful country, but the mosquitos are hell

take it easy Steve
Disappointing but yet part of the hunt. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif Last year my son Marlon, my hunting buddy Steve, and my self went from Nevada to Idaho Elk hunting on horse back. We did not see one elk, we saw a huge black bear but no elks, also we were surrounded by 8 wolves for a bit was a little freaky, my son had a 300 win mag and me with my trusty 300 rum... we made it back home. I'm learning though, after 50 years, to enjoy the hunt weather I make a kill or not. The ultimate prize is the animal, but that's not all of it. I admire your respect for the guide that worked his best. He tried hard and you respected that, that's one good part of the hunt.
You're right about the faces, maybe you can see them here just a little better, you're all looking good! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thaks for clearing that pic up for me, I didn't know how to do it.

What do you think of my gloves and neck warmer in the pic, I am the jackass on the left who forgot to bring most of his gear. I didn't bring a neck warmer, gloves, or face mask. Luckily the guide had a extra face mask for me to use and I used a set of work gloves and some thermal underwear wrapped around my neck for a neck warmer.

Thankfully they weren't used thermal underwear!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Take it easy
lerch, I know how it feels, guided bear hunt in manitobas duck mnt. 33 hours in a tree and I see a sow and 2 cubs. When I booked the hunt I asked him point blank, Am I going to shoot a bear in your camp? "Oh yea, that will be no problem." The last afternoon my buddy and I are talking about how crappy the hunting was, and what a crappy job of baiting the outfitters guides did. That night he shoots a 250lb blonde. 14hour ride home I had to listen to that damb story and what a great bear camp that was. I was happy he got a bear but sick of him talking up that lazy *** outfitter.
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