Calling all Alaska residents


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
Eastern Panhandle,WV
Well after a few monthes of back and forth with my boy we have decided to make our first trip to Alaska and I cant hardly wait. This will be a summer trip mainly to sightsee and possibly do a lil fishing if time permits. My question is since Alaska is so huge where can we get the best bang for our buck as far as things to see? We plan on staying 2 weeks.I don't like being the typical tourists, anotherwords small tourist towns with thousands of people give me the runs.Id rather be out hiking taking some pictures etc. Any advice I will gladly accept. Thanks in advance
I have traveled all over ak. And wow depending on really what you want to do I would suggest either going down to the Kenya Peninsula and cruise around there or maybe ride train from anchorage to fairbanks then rent a car and drive back to anchorage either way you won t be disappointed good luck and enjoy
PM me. I live in AK and have tramped around that state a fair bit. Give me an idea what you want to do or see and I'll offer some ideas. She's a big place with lots to see. Came up here 10 years ago to " live the dream" and see the place. Plan was 3-5 years but still haven't seen and done all I wanted yet. It will be back to the Rocky mountains in less than 5 years; just time to go home.
If you want an easy interior float trip or to spend some time above the Arctic Circle feel free to contact me.
did you figure out where you want to go?

I went up on a vaca back in 2006. ended up staying 6 months. then a couple years ago found my way back. now i'm living in the mile high city. and chomping at the bit to get back to AK.

Homer is the halibut capital of the world. and I can get ya in touch with a captain or two that will take you a bit further than most do. ling cod, rock fish, halibut, maybe salmon too depending on the time of year. good bear viewing via airplane. climb a glacier.
Thanks everyone for the replies I haven't been getting the emails that my post has been responded too so I have totally missed all the comments. I will PM each of you to get further advice. Sure appreciate the help
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