Bullet Samples...


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2004
Anyone aware of any companies that still offer a sample pack of bullets to try (about 20) before buying a full box? A quick google showed "Bullet Proof" as a company that did this, but none of the links to purchase are active anymore. I'm looking to try the Berger 215 Hybrid in my 300WM but don't want to buy a box of 100 to find out if they will work (I'm really not that cheap just already have a bench full of "experiments" that are starting to accumulate).
Google "Bulletproof load development samples". I think they offer a wide variety of brands and weights. I've seen them at Cabelas in the past also.
Anyone aware of any companies that still offer a sample pack of bullets to try (about 20) before buying a full box? A quick google showed "Bullet Proof" as a company that did this, but none of the links to purchase are active anymore. I'm looking to try the Berger 215 Hybrid in my 300WM but don't want to buy a box of 100 to find out if they will work (I'm really not that cheap just already have a bench full of "experiments" that are starting to accumulate).
Call us at 714-441-7202 and we can hook you up with sales. If we have any 215s in stock we can send you some N/C (usually 12 bullets or so)
Take care,
......Google "Bulletproof load development samples". I think they offer a wide variety of brands and weights. I've seen them at Cabelas in the past also......
Thanks! I was trying to decide if I remembered it, or imagined it.
About the time things went nuts with components, and then it disappeared. Here anyway.
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