Buck in the fridge. 552 yds. 208 ELDM.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
Wacked this little fellow tonight, at pretty much last light.


For a Palouse buck, he's actually a real nice specimen. In 5 years of paying attention, I've only seen a couple that were significantly larger (never during season), so I'm tickled to have him in the fridge. Around here, you're happy with ANY legal deer.

Rig - Savage LRH 300 WM, Stock except a Shilen Select heavy sporter 24" with brake. Sig Whiskey 5-25. 208 ELD-M, ~2880 fps.

Shot - 552 yds, 25 min after sunset, prone, bipod, backpack for a rear rest, slight quartering away. 0.5 MOA wind.


We hunt a farmer's property along a river (harvested wheat fields), and needless to say, it's a bit crowded. There were at least 7 other hunters within 1500 yds. A group of bumbling kids was hunting the river brakes below us only 400 yds away, which ruined our three best bowls. I can't complain, as I think it was some sort of outreach type deal (the owner of that land has done that in the past I think).

We saw a group of does, then another, but nothing legal. We had shifted further down the property than usual, due to the kids. I happened to look back over my shoulder, and saw a deer skylined at the top of a big hill, in a CRP tuft behind me. Got the binos on, and sure enough, legal buck.

I spun my shooting position around, ranged, doped, then had to sit there. The little bugger just moseyed back and forth, skylined. Nibbled on some weeds, scratched his butt, looked around. I had him dead to rights for at least 20 minutes. I know the land well, and knew there was nothing behind him for a couple miles but a plowed field, but I couldn't bring myself to let a 208 ELDM loose on a potentially 2000-3000 yd journey. Got so dark, I had to turn on the illumination in the Whiskey 5.

With about 5 minutes of light left, a fusillade of gun fire went off in the general direction of the group of kids, and he took a few steps into a position I felt was safe to shoot.

Squeeze. Boom. Saw him hump up in the scope, then he disappeared over the crest of the hill. I was pretty apprehensive as we hustled towards the spot. I'd put a little wind on him, but as we were walking, it felt dead calm. I was scared I'd sent it into the belly. It's wide open country out here, but really hilly, so if he'd run off, it was gonna be tough to find him.

By the time we got to the spot, it was near enough full dark, and he was nowhere to be found. No blood, no nothing. Started walking in the direction he'd gone, and found him 30 yds away. DOA.

On butchering, the ELDM did the trick. Shot entered at rear of lungs, hit a rib, jellyfied the interior, and exited through a rib just behind the right leg. Pretty much perfect, and within an inch or two of where I intended for it to go.

Pretty happy. It's hard hunting around here, and my mates and I have been skunked for the last 2 years.

Up at 5:30 tomorrow to go after another one for one of my buddies. They're both stoked I shot one, but I think it's mostly cause now they get to use my rifle for the rest of the season...
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