Boise Gun Rally Report


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
Sweet, Idaho
Well, thought I would take a few minutes and report on the saturday gun rally in Boise.
The first thing that happened to me as I was walking up the capitol steps is that I was stopped at the entrance by a couple of guys from the event. Now get this----I could not take my "stick" into the building. My stick was holding my sign and I was informed by security that I could not picket inside the capitol. You can have a sign--you just can't have it attached to a stick. So apparently if a stick is attached to a sign, you are picketing. Yeah, well, whatever.
It was simply amazing to see the number of folks walking around armed at a gathering. There were "assault rifles' carried by the dozens and it seemed like most everyone was packing. Wow, and guess what? No one was shot. Imagine that.
We had a good turnout here in Idaho---I would estimate 600 to 800 or so but I was a little disappointed that there were not more. This is a HUGE issue and we all should do whatever we can--we cannot rest.
It was a very peaceful demonstration and somewhat informative although I couldn't hear much due to the speakers speaking without a mike. The event was actually held inside the Capitol in the rotunda area which was great as it was cold outside. I could not see any anti guns protesters but I am sure that they were there.
Keep your rights alive! Heres a couple of photos from the event and yours truly.

Oh, and I almost forgot----remember how the Capitol building in Wisconsin was trashed from the union protests and how the demonstrators were unruly? Well, here in Idaho, not one outburst and the building was spotless when everyone left.



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Good on ya, glad to see ya made it. Likely some of my cousins were there. I would of made it if I could have but to many irons in the fire. The good thing is we live in a great state for gunrights the bad part is the elitists in washington trying to tell us what to do. Thanks for your proactive stance on all this. The country needs as many folk like you as we e can come by.:)
Good on ya, glad to see ya made it. Likely some of my cousins were there. I would of made it if I could have but to many irons in the fire. The good thing is we live in a great state for gunrights the bad part is the elitists in washington trying to tell us what to do. Thanks for your proactive stance on all this. The country needs as many folk like you as we e can come by.:)

I know what you mean about being busy---but I just had to go. Plus made a side trip to Cabelas which was mainly a waste of time. Man, they had NOTHING.

I would have been there but didn't even know about the rally until it was over. Before the next rally better PR needs to done and I guarantee you more folks will be there.
The 'movement' is just getting up steam. As time progresses more and more will attend subsequent rally's. Good for you. Always be pro-active and always be an American Patriot foremost.

We had a union rally in Lansing, Michigan and they trashed everything including the hot dog vendor's tent and cart. How dismal.

Maybe they thought you were going to stick your 'stick' in a toilet bowl and break it off or something.....:)

M80's work
Well our rally here in Montana didnt go quite as well as yours in Idaho but we probably had 200 people show up at the steps of the capitol. As you said a very informative yet peaceful for there being some very angered people. The reason we didnt have more of a turn out here was due to our news papers being so left sided we couldn't get the word out about it!! We tried several times to get it in the papers but for some reason nothing ......

So by word of mouth we got it spread throughout the state but it was kind of disappointing such a small turn out but no one knew about it here because we couldn't get the word out in our papers so nothing to be disappointed about just hope the next one goes better with a larger turn out.
Nothing new aboud the prejudiced media. The media is supposed to be non-biased and repot events and news in a non-prejudicial manner. That went out the window long ago.

When I think of the media, I think of Don Henley's song 'Dirty Laundry'.......

Follow the money...
I attended the Feb. 23rd Gun Rally at the Idaho State Capital. It filled all three levels of the interior. Although it was a good turnout, my guess is about 300 people, I was a little disappointed. Lots of open carry. News coverage was sparse with the primary focus on Women's Gun Rights. The best news coverage was Channel 6 KIVI, our abc affiliate.

Just curious, what kind of turnout would you expect if they threatened to take your T.V.'s?
I attended the Feb. 23rd Gun Rally at the Idaho State Capital. It filled all three levels of the interior. Although it was a good turnout, my guess is about 300 people, I was a little disappointed. Lots of open carry. News coverage was sparse with the primary focus on Women's Gun Rights. The best news coverage was Channel 6 KIVI, our abc affiliate.

Just curious, what kind of turnout would you expect if they threatened to take your T.V.'s?

I've got one better for you. What kind of turnout would you expect if they were trying to take cell phones away? :cool: It's a pretty messed up world we are in right now.
I've got one better for you. What kind of turnout would you expect if they were trying to take cell phones away? :cool: It's a pretty messed up world we are in right now.

Yeah, and what kind of turnout do you think that they would have if they took away their entitlements???????

Yeah, and what kind of turnout do you think that they would have if they took away their entitlements???????


Would be the 'Million Person Entitlement March" on washington, demanding their free cheese...

Problem is, it isn't free. We, as working Americans pay for it.

**** sheeple.....
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