Boats $$$$ 🤬🤬🤬

I love boats, at one time I had four boats at one time lol. Granted they were smaller boats, all had on poverty with a view wages. I need to rebuild the transom on my 12ft Valco and I'll be out again this year. I have two boats and both need work. Luckily we do pretty well fishing from shore lol.
Have 2 kits coming and hopefully will get it done over weekend. The biggest issue is I need help from son since my back would not like trying to manhandle the lower unit lining it back up to the splines. I will be working on the power trim tomorrow unless I decide to shoot my .357 Max with Hammer 140SH! Working on ladder with N110 which I think will give bit more juice than Lil Gun. So work on boat or play?🤔
Yeah they can be a pain to line up. Back issues you may want two or three more hands. Three to do the work and you supervise!
Ya ever notice a boat guy never has a shortage of buddies that wanna fish in his money pit? 😉
Truer words have never been spoken. Worst part is the near constant bitching from the back of the boat that I'm catching all the fish. It's a real blast when I switch places with them and out fish them from the back of the boat.
We Michiganders love our boats and our lakes! Coho sounds like more fun and better eating then the walleye we get on the east side. Good luck getting her back in the water.

Did somebody say Coho!
Couple years ago
Owned and sold a few boats over the last few years, my boats get used a smidgen more but that's kinda part of the job. Just sold a 50 year old boat built by one of the west coast old names. Only the third owner and had meticulous maintenance records. Plastic remained relatively unchanged as did the cabin (those boys did joinery back then I've not seen duplicated since) and the bits like handrails and some non tension rigging parts. The rest, and I mean all of it has been repaired or replaced over the years. Having owned boats from the 70s, 80s, 90s and ones from the last few years maintenance helps but boats really do age.

An outdrive making it 34 years is a looooong time. Think how much else has evolved in 34 years. It was a good run and it's pretty amazing they still have parts. Boat parts sell in a much smaller volume than road vehicles, your drive line is probably as rare as a 1988 Chrysler new Yorker. In that perspective a blown transmission on 34 years would be a good run.

Only thing worse than the cost of fixing an old boat is buying a new one....

Sold a turnkey well maintained and updated boat built in 1991 to build a new one the same length but a bit wider. The old one funded the propulsion package.... that's how spendy new boats are.

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