Black cloud

Has any one use Black Cloud for hunting?


At normal decoy ranges it seemed to work ok .But at longer ranges (40 to 60yrds) it did not.

We shot several patterns @ 60yrds and found the problem.

As you know the black cloud uses two different sizes and shapes of shot (There are several
othes manufactures that do the same) and as with all duplex shot loads the heaver shot
impact at a different spot than the lighter shot giving you essentialy two different patterns.

This reduces the shot count on target at longer distances.

Stick with a recomended shot size and distance and you will be more successful in the end.

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A lot of your success with that load depends on the choke you use. Patternmaster makes one for that load. There are so many out there that simply dont work with BlackCloud. If you use the proper choke you will be pleased. Problem is that choke stinks with normal shells.

Go figure.
In my SBE2 with a IC choke it seemed to shoot too tight for decoying divers but worked well on decoying geese, using #2's. I have not patterned it. I was running low on shells and was given a box while hunting and went right to using it. I think I'll stick with hevi-steel for ducks, works well for me. My cousin field hunts for geese and shot a case of it this year and was very pleased. It is not a be all, end all but certainly has a place.

You'd have to try it. But everything I've heard is that more open chokes work better to allow the wad design to work the way it's meant to. BBB would be good for late season or long range geese but not needed for early season or close decoy work. 2's worked well for me on decoying geese with the IC choke.

As with any load, always best to pattern first.

I used it hunting geese a number of times and was impressed on the wound channels in created. To me, though its overkill, especially over decoys with birds coming towards you. I dont want pencil size holes in everything I shoot. But i think it has its place.
I tried it but will stick with the heavy shot as I hunt the horicon marsh and it gives me a little more reach!
Biggest problem with Hevi-Shot and Black Cloud is trying to over choke it. It blows patterns. IC and Light Mod work the best. Larger the shot size use the more open choke.
Over decoys I use #6 hevi shot with an IC choke and its devastating. I quit using steel years ago.
For pass shooting on Geese I use BBB's in Dead Coyote (still have a bunch of it left) with an IC choke.
Interesting about two patterns,at 40 yds my guns shoot almost like a rifle,and the wad is only about 6 inches low.I will have to investigate at longer ranges...jack
I dont know how it preforms on ducks and geese, too expencive for me to waste on these things. All I know is that last year when I was swan hunting i was shooting remington nitro in BBB 3 1/2 and all it was doing was slapping the heck out of them things and nothing falling out of the air! Usually you have to try to get the ones low enough and try to get a head/neck shot on them other wise it is pure luck when you bring them down. I was out with a friend and he handed me a couple of his 3 1/2 BB black cloud shells to try and the first shot, at a bird that was unbeleivably high, bird dropped like a ton of bricks! I was thinking of using that hevi shot or that dead coyote stuff this year but have bought a box of black cloud and am going to use it for swans.
I absolutely hate the stuff.. shoots very dirty and patterns terrible. never fount any of those ringed pellets in any of the birds i did find.. all regulars steel!!! so i will stick to hevi shot or dryloks
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