Bill Ruger Prophecy

Critter Picker

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2019
I hate to get up on my soapbox again, but it occurred to me yesterday how when Bill Ruger stated that "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns "and how we are falling into that category. I was going through the e-mails at work yesterday ( I work part time at the LGS ) and saw that Brandon was pushing for zero tolerance on straw purchases. I*'m not sure how many of you are familiar with that term, but it is a gun purchase for another individual. Question 2 on the 4473 form asks if you are purchasing this firearm for yourself. If you answer yes you will be denied and go on file as a straw person. If you answer no and you are buying this firearm for a son, daughter, wife, father, father in law, or whatever you can be charged with s felony conviction.
I know that I read on here all the time of people building a gun for their son, or father and here we go. Another outlaw in the books. I know what the gun control advocates are trying to prevent, but we are not the bad guys here. Sorry, I just had to vent. I don't have the answer, but we have to do something. I also know I'm talking to the wrong people, but I don't know how to get through to the anti's.
I can't speak to laws on a national level, but oregon gun laws are extremely clear that purchases for a family member are perfectly legal, and the purchaser is to answer "yes". The only time they're illegal is when the purchaser knowingly buys for someone who can't pass a back ground check. I expect many states have similar provisions in place.
At one time or another, all of our Founders and many, many more were considered outlaws and criminals by the British government of the time. Same for most Jews under Hitler's control or those under Mao or .............

Sometimes, being an enemy of the state is just the right thing to do. Especially, when the state has become criminal and tyrannical itself. Freedom and liberty were never free, and often, someone has to pay the blood price to water that tree.

Only the brave need apply.
Sad state. I think Louis Lamour first made that quote and Bill may have paraphrased and repeated it. Interesting, since in 1989 Bill recommended hi-cap magazine bans, not a fan.
I have always been a big fan of Louis L'Amour. Think that I have read every book he put out and have seen all movies based on his books as far as I know.
At one time or another, all of our Founders and many, many more were considered outlaws and criminals by the British government of the time. Same for most Jews under Hitler's control or those under Mao or .............

Sometimes, being an enemy of the state is just the right thing to do. Especially, when the state has become criminal and tyrannical itself. Freedom and liberty were never free, and often, someone has to pay the blood price to water that tree.

Only the brave need apply.

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