Big Green to Close Plant in NY

Big Green unfortunately was done as soon Freedom Group purchased them in late 90's. The death spiral started immediately due to good old greed. I feel terrible for those who lost their jobs and those who will. The small guy who does the most takes it in the gut again. Outside of that Rem Arms had to move in order to try to keep their investment solvent.
A different situation but I also just experienced losing my job with Georgia Pacific closing the Foley mill. It's more than just the facility too.. all the supporting business partners and local economy will feel it.
Sorry to hear about this. Unfortunately, with the stock market controlling things it's way too common.
I remember reading about an air conditioning plant (I think it was) out east that even though the plant was hugely profitable, the stock market felt it could do better so off to Mexico it went.

Glad to hear RemArms at least kept it American.

My prayers go out to those in Ilion, and I pray that you are able to fully recover from your loss, as well.
Sorry to hear about this. Unfortunately, with the stock market controlling things it's way too common.
I remember reading about an air conditioning plant (I think it was) out east that even though the plant was hugely profitable, the stock market felt it could do better so off to Mexico it went.

Glad to hear RemArms at least kept it American.

My prayers go out to those in Ilion, and I pray that you are able to fully recover from your loss, as well.
I believe GP was going to shut down/idle a line or two but we were the convenient option given the circumstances. We produce in a different market than all of their other mills (dissolving pulp) but with the hurricane and laws around contracts and natural disasters…we were the easiest/cheapest option. We're hoping a buyer who wants to gain a foothold in the dissolving markets picks it up. GP never understood the market and no matter how hard folks tried to tell them, they were hell bent on running us like a standard fluff pulp mill when reality is we were a chemical plant essentially. I hope RemArms can be successful in Ga. Like Florida, Georgia appears to be business friendly and has a more fertile tax climate for sustainability. America better wake up or we're going to tax ourselves into a third world country. It starts at your local level and goes up.
Big Green unfortunately was done as soon Freedom Group purchased them in late 90's. The death spiral started immediately due to good old greed. I feel terrible for those who lost their jobs and those who will. The small guy who does the most takes it in the gut again. Outside of that Rem Arms had to move in order to try to keep their investment solvent.
IMO: That AND the judge who ruled that they could be sued just because they made the gun!
Where does this end? What's the difference in THAT & families suing the auto manufacturer who made the car that some idiot decides to drive head-on into a loved one with? THIS is exactly what that judge did! 😡 Again, JMO.
Sad...another piece of our America gone...not to mention all of those families forever affected.
Believe it or not most US Companies especially what is left in Manufacturing are Straw owned by China and other Countries Governments. Obana and Brandon had eight years to dissolve US Manufacturing to Foreign Interests, Trump tried to bring back now Brndon is putting the finishing touches.
If you look at all the Mining Operations for Metals, Minerals and the Quarries -- they are owned by China. Even the what someone would call simple Mining Quarries for "Rocks". Granite here in GA are all owned by China. Millions of areas of land all surrounding Military Bases and FARM LANDS - Owned by China. Thousands of miles of Land that has been legalized to grow Medical Cannabis Marijuana in the NW US, Buy our US Government. This POT Growing Land and system has been set up by attorneys for "Straw" Companies CHINA. They take the Pot that is supposed to be used for Medical Cannabis and ship TONS of illegal POT to NY, NJ, CT, With this administration approval and all run by China.
Don't take my word, look it up yourself.
Democrats and unions will drive any business out of the country. Throw in the environmentalist for the third strike and you have the perfect storm for failure. You seldom see a company move out of a red state. This should tell us something.

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