Best Long Range Caliber for Rem. Sendero


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
South Texas
I plan on buying a Remington Sendero and I'd like to get some feedback on 264 Win Mag vs. 300 Win Mag for extreme long range hunting. I currently own a couple of 264s and have owned a 300 Win Mag in the past and like both calibers. The 264 is probably my all time favorite......being in the hunting business in South Texas for over 25 years, this has always been my go to rifle and the one that I carry when guiding. However, I'm just now getting into extreme long range shooting....up until now 500-600 yds has been my max range.....and I'd like to hear some opinions on these two calibers at ranges beyond these. I've looked up the BCs for both with several bullet makers and know in theory how they should compare, but I'd like to hear from those of you who have actually used them at those ranges. Also, what bullets have been the most effective.....clean kills are still top priority! We do a lot of doe management and hog eradication on my ranches and I plan to use this rifle for this purpose. Thanks in Advance for your help!
I plan on buying a Remington Sendero and I'd like to get some feedback on 264 Win Mag vs. 300 Win Mag for extreme long range hunting. I currently own a couple of 264s and have owned a 300 Win Mag in the past and like both calibers. The 264 is probably my all time favorite......being in the hunting business in South Texas for over 25 years, this has always been my go to rifle and the one that I carry when guiding. However, I'm just now getting into extreme long range shooting....up until now 500-600 yds has been my max range.....and I'd like to hear some opinions on these two calibers at ranges beyond these. I've looked up the BCs for both with several bullet makers and know in theory how they should compare, but I'd like to hear from those of you who have actually used them at those ranges. Also, what bullets have been the most effective.....clean kills are still top priority! We do a lot of doe management and hog eradication on my ranches and I plan to use this rifle for this purpose. Thanks in Advance for your help!

For what you have been using it for the 264 was a good choice. I always used the ,284s
because of the bullet selection.

But if your serious about loooong range then I would recomend a 300 RUM or even a 338 RUM
in the sendero.

Either one will bump you out past a 1000+ yards.

It's not the trajactory so much as it is the wind bucking and the energy

I use both and can find no fault with either one at 800 + yards.

Both are a little big at normal distance for white tail deer (100 to 400 yards) but dead is dead
and I'm not sure if you can over kill any thing unless you use a grenade.

If you don't handel recoil well then install a break. the sendero is fairly heavy and recoil is
not unmanageable so the break is optional.

JE CUSTOM, thanks for the reply. I may consider the 300 RUM....I've seen the ballistics on it and know some who have used it on elk and it's impressive. I agree with you on the overkill......when my hunters ask what caliber to bring on my hunts, I've always told them, "you can't have too much gun".....and I know the heavier bullets are better in the wind. I shoot 180 TSXs in my 300 Wby. for elk and they hold up real well down range. I'm not worried about recoil.....I'm a big advocate of muzzle breaks and have been using them since Old Man Kleinguenther built my first custom rifle(300Wby) over 20 years ago. When you can shoot a 300 Wby and it kicks less than a standard 25-06, it makes no sense not to use a break! Thanks again
+1 to JE and I would throw out there the 338 Lapua, and 7 RUM, 7STW, 7Rem Mag. I am a big fan of the 7's also. The 300 WM will get you to 1000 easy, but you will have to go with a 210 bullet or the 208 A-Max offered by Hornady. Past 1000yrds you'll want to bump up the power. 300 Weatherby would be another option if you want to rebarrel a current action that you may own. In that case jump up to the 30-378 weatherby or the 338-378 weatherby.

With the 7's, if you can push a 168 -180grn bullet over 3000fps you will be good to about 1200yrds. Just my opinion guys, don't gun)me!! These will offer less recoil.

In your two choices the 264 is better inside 600 yards, the 300 winny is better beyond that. There are better choices though. In that rifle the 300 ultramag, if used mostly for elk then the 338 ultramag. For the use you stated though I think the 300 ultramag in that rifle.
I've thought about quite a few of these calibers that ya'll are mentioning...The only reason that I'm leaning a little towards the 264 or 300 Win Mags is because I already have tons of dies and components for them.....and leaning towards the Sendero due to availability, especially at this time of the year when our season is going to open this coming weekend. I can buy a Sendero and do whatever trigger work, etc. and have it ready to roll inside of a week or so....Otherwise, I might lean towards having one built and then I will definitely consider these other calibers if time isn't critical. Any tips on custom rifle builders would also be appreciated. Since old man Kleinguenther passed away, I haven't used anyone other than Hill Country in New Braunfels, TX for accurizing, etc..... Thanks Again for the info....
If it's got to be between the 264WM and the 300WM, then I would go with the 300. The 300 will be able to launch a 200 gr bullet at about the same velocity as a 264 would be able to lauch a 140 gr bullet and the 200 gr bullet will have a higher BC... which means it will get farther down range, with more energy/momentum and buck wind better. I wouldn't normally recommend the 208 AMax, but for TX deer and hogs, I think it would be a great bullet with a high BC and low opening velocity, which means you'll have expansion farther down range.

My powder choices for either cartridge would be RL17, H1000, and Retumbo.

You know you could always buy a Sendro in 300wm and have it reamed to a RUM very easily. It will cost an extra $140 to $200, but you will have the big gun then. Because you have the dies for the WM I would look at loading some 210 Bergers, SMK's, or the 208 Hornady A-Max with a healthy dose of H1000 or RL17, 22, or 25. Retumbo may even work but may not give the velocity you may desire. A good speed is 2900fps or better.

Good Luck,

P.S. RL17 will definitely give you your best velocity.
Tank, No need to ream the WM, Senderos come in 300 RUM. I think stx has the dies for the WM and that's why he's leaning to it. Wouldn't take too long to order some for the RUM though.



That's true, I wasn't thinking. I am a Savage guy, and the RUM is not a common caliber in a savage, though it can be found. They offer it every once in a while. I figured he was leaning toward the WM due to having the dies. That is why I suggested the bullets of choice for what he is trying to achieve.

STX, I have a 300 WSM and shoot the heavy pills out of it. I can get plenty of snot out of my rifle to take the quarry you are inquiring about to 1000yrds.

I was having this same debate. But I went with a Sendero in .300 RUM. I already have a 7mm RM and a .300 WM though.
my brother and my friends and i have a lot of senderos. get one in each or; if you get a muzzle break the 300wm. the 300 win with the 210 bergers, lapua brasss and re-22, wlrm. 9 inch groups at 1000 yards. the 300 win is one of the most forgiving cartiridges i have ever loaded for. ronninflag
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