Bergara B14 HMR vs Tikka T3 Super Varmint


Sep 28, 2017
Hi guys, what would you choose for long range target shooting a Bergara B14 HMR in 6,5 creedmoor or Tikka T3 Super Varmint in 308W?
I was just out today shooting my 6.5 hmr. First group of three @ 815 yd was under 2.5". I have shot lots of one hole 5 shot groups at 100 yds. The gun is heavy enough I can spot my own hits without a break. My vote is for the 6.5 HMR. It's my favorite gun to shoot.
Im running the HMR 6.5 with a brake, and hand loads that give me .213 at 100m. Heavy enough. Good ergonomics and the brake cuts the recoil to watch impact. Love it.
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