Atv use thoughts and opinions


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
North Idaho
I would like to hear hunter's thoughts on this board on atv use. Do use one? Do you agree with the use of Atv's? Would you like more trails opened up for atv use or more trails closed? The more info the better.
Private property, sure why not.

National Forest depends on the situations I suppose.

We use to use them where we could on NF, to get to and from places, but you cant ride them anywhere anymore so theres no point in owning one.
Here in N. Idaho you can ride them in most towns. I'm trying to get an idea from experienced hunters who have hunted for quite a few years on there sucess rate with and without Atv's. I don't own one and won't. I like them and ride a dirt bike but for fear of what I've seen in N. Idaho am afraid if I owned one I would never get off of it and my @ss would become part of the seat.
No. I do mot think that ATV's or any motorized conveyance should be used off road for hunting except maybe in some special circunstance such as disabled hunters. Otherwise get off your *** and use the legs and feet God gave you.

Last fall, I hiked up to a ridge to hunt deer and elk on NF land. there was a two track vehicle trail that ran along the top of this ridge but motorized vehicle traffic was prohibited. So I humped up there and quietly still hunted the ridge. After about thirty minutes I hear the whine of a four wheeler. It gets closer and louder and then finally passes by with two riders. It goes up the ridge alerting everything for a mile around and then 15 min later comes back. Do these law breakers care that they just ruined another guys hunt for that evening? I doubt it. They were so observant, they didn't have a clue I was even there. This spring, similar experience. NFS road is blocked off to all motorized traffic until the end of bear season. BIG SIGN right at the locked gate that no one can miss. I get out of my car, lock it up and head up the closed road. In about 5 min I hear engines a long way off. After about 5 min they come down the road, four of them making the loudest noise imaginable. I was not a happy camper and did not greet them with a smile.

I find it amazing that guys will shave every ounce they can off their rifle and are willing to sacrifice function and effectiveness of their firearm and carry an extra 20 lbs or more around their waste into the field. They will do everything they can to make it easy for themselves to get to point X except get in shape and use their legs. My present carry rifle is an 8 1/2 lb Sendero (for LR capability) topped with a 2 lb scope, and I carry it using my legs and feet just like I have carried all my rifles.

If you want to ride an ATV, do it legal, get a good muffler, and dont ruin someone else's day. Respect the land and the other users.

My $.02

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I own one. During hunting season you will find it in my garage, mostly. The endless droning of four wheelers opening weekend is so far removed from what I want hunting to be. Worse yet is many of the hike and horse trails around here are open to dirt bikes. Nothing like a two stroke in first gear screaming by with some dolt and his rifle slung over his shoulder.

Mostly, the noise bothers me. Lack of respect for boundaries is a big issue too.

I have used mine to hunt twice. Both times were after work, week days, lowland area, with the kids along. These were not serious hunting efforts, more of an outing with the kids, and better bring a rifle in case we see deer. I did enjoy those trips.

I have mixed feelings about controlling atv's. Frankly, we've got more than enough rules and regulations about....everything! That said, if the noise and boundary respect issues could be resolved it would sure improve my enjoyment of hunting season.

The atv hunters should have room to do their thing. But, I sure don't like it. I would and do gladly leave mine off the mountain.

There are a few wilderness areas here I would be tickled to see expanded.
I do think they have their place as long as laws are obeyed. Its like everything else though, a few bad eggs screw it up for everyone else. I think there should be better enforcement of the laws on atvs, but I don't think they are a bad thing.
The law breakers riding the ATV will break the law with what ever they are using to
travel. ATV's use less fuel and are quieter than most vehicles when used for transportation on roads. Leave the 4x4 or car and trailer at camp or end of pavement
Use the quad where it is supposed to be. Hunt on foot and bring the game back
to the quad on foot. Used in this way the ATV is far less offensive than those who insist on rattle banging there car or truck into the woods. What you are describing is the illegal use of a motor vehicle that happens to be an ATV, the problem is the driver
of the ATV and you for not calling in law enforcement. illegal use of our resources in the forests needs to stop.
Use less fuel? My cousin's 660 grizzly is averaging 12 mpg loaded. My tacoma averages 20 mpg and my 03 powerstroke 16.8 mpg. I agree with most all of your opinions. However if any of you get a chance to go out in the woods in N. idaho it's a whole different world. It's not uncommon to see a pack train of 60 at a time. They are everywhere. They try to go everywhere. I'll be driving on a Nf road and one will come buy wave his hand with how many rider are behind him. I guess we motor vehicles are supposed to pull over now on public roads so the atvs can ride side by side and not get hit. This is b.s.. If anything the four wheeler should pull over and let the bigger truck get by. Jeez it is a road ya know!
I do think they have their place as long as laws are obeyed. Its like everything else though, a few bad eggs screw it up for everyone else. I think there should be better enforcement of the laws on atvs, but I don't think they are a bad thing.

I am almost 70 years old and I use one when it is legal and in the proper way.

In most Nat. Forrest there are designated trails for vehicles UNDER 44 inches and it
is illegal to get off the trail also a spark arrestor is required and in some cases only 4 stroke
engines are allowed.

There is no speed limit required but there should be.

I have been messed up more buy people on foot than people on ATVs. so as stated its the
idiot not the machine.

I personally ride mine at a slow even speed and Never get off the trails provided for the ATV
also I installed an additional muffler to quieten it down even more for the same reason mentioned before

This is very a controversial subject and there will be many different point of views but as long
as it is leagle I will contue to use one properly and withen the law to expanded my hunting
area and keep myself in the woods as long as possible.


I own one ATV JUST FOR HUNTING PURPOSE. From 2005 - and today I was riding ATV JUST TO GET OUT THE GAMES after I shoot them. For more then 2 years sits on the back of my truck, I DID NOT GET THIS ATV OFF at all. I was using my hand, truck and 350 yrds of twine to drag out all my animals.

I found from my OWN experience in 2 square miles I can see more animals IF I WILL WALK instead of riding a truck, or ATV, Dirt Bike.
Plus if you are riding a ATV you will get to laizy to get off your a@s and check all the good spots. You will just ride, and ride and ride and come back with empty hands..

Just from my "OWN EXPERIENCE".
Je: your situation is understandable. I'm sure when I'm 70 I won't be able to pack elk on my back anymore. I have yet to be messed up by someone on foot however. Don't take my statements the wrong way there is a time and a place for atv's and you are a good example. People my age however have no excuse. You will see more elk and deer on foot than riding around on logging roads and closed down trails, period.
It depends on where you live. You guys down there really don't have huge tracks of public land (in the lower 48 anyway) compared to what we have in Canada. I agree that for many hunting situations you don't need an ATV. But if your hunting camp is 20-30+miles from where you can get your truck, your opinion might change. I know it sounds romantic to pack your gear in and huint from foot for a week, but have you ever packed a moose thats over 1500pounds on the hoof out? I goat and sheep hunt on foot every year too, but for game as heavy as a moose it's a different game.

I have an atv that I use for hunting - I get much better millage than what you get on your grizzly - I get about 160km's on 4 gallons of gas with my artic cat. I don't use it to pound thru the bush all day, I use it to set up my remote camp and hunt from there. If you have insurance you can ride on forest service road here. Even with that there are still not a pile of guys hunting from thier quad here. Sure you see a few, but I see 5 trucks for every atv cruising around.
they have there place, I choose to hunt were the roads are closed and if they are running ATV's on closed roads, Turn them IN!

My Grandfather uses one to get to his stand. at 83 its hard for him to hike a mile to the stand. When he gets there he sits all day and rides out at night. If it keeps him in the woods then I am all for it.

Maybe there should be some accesses for Disabled hunters to commute to and from a spot, but no road hunting.

I have found that most Deer really pay no attention to the ATVs. The smart big deer just hang low far enough off the road they will never see them. If your walking and keeping quite, that buck will move after the sound is gone, leaving a chance for a still hunter.

I have witnessed it many time glassing the hillsides. Deer just over the edge stay put while the bike rides by and then gose back to what ever it was doing. They rarely spook and if they do the run my direction!
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