An under 21 ban that WILL!! save lives.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
NW Kansas
If the Country is really serious about making kids safer we need a Nation wide law banning the purchase and possession of evil semiautomatic high capacity texting cell phones by anyone under the age of 21. Anyone under 21 would only be allowed to have a cell phone that could make calls. No texting, internet, social media, etc. This will save many more lives than an under 21 firearms ban or banning semi autos and high capacity magazines. Why would anyone be opposed to this common-sense law, it will save lives and would not violate the constitution. THE TIME IS NOW!

Study: Texting while driving now leading cause of death for teen drivers
The number of teens who are dying or being injured as a result of texting while driving has skyrocketed as mobile device technology has advanced. Researchers at Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park estimate more than 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting and 300,000 injuries.
And then all the butthurt libtards will argue that it's unconstitutional to take away their phone/driving/texting/facebook/technocrat rights...

But then turn around and demonize our CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED 2A rights to own whatever type of guns we legally own and purchased, and have never hurt anybody with...

Nobody but their own, have ever accused liberals/Dems of being a smart bunch. :rolleyes:
They pass laws and hang up signs to stop evil, all criminals, wackos, and terrorists go find another place to commit evil when they see these kind of common sense laws.
2016 there were 17, 250 murders in the US, 374 used a rifle of some sort. Cars killed 40,200 of that number about 2,000 were children. Drunk drivers killed 10,569 +/- alcohol killed 88,000, of which 4,300 were teens. 64,000 died from drug overdose, of which 750 were teens (heroin). And they want to (are) legalize marijuana so the states can make money off the taxes, and further increase vehicle deaths. More common sense law.
All great points. They will never get it. They don't want to know the facts. Just check out the bill that was just filed in Oregon. NRA just announced it.Read it carefully, all the way to the end. This is the mentality we in Oregon are dealing with.
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They pass laws and hang up signs to stop evil, all criminals, wackos, and terrorists go find another place to commit evil when they see these kind of common sense laws.
2016 there were 17, 250 murders in the US, 374 used a rifle of some sort. Cars killed 40,200 of that number about 2,000 were children. Drunk drivers killed 10,569 +/- alcohol killed 88,000, of which 4,300 were teens. 64,000 died from drug overdose, of which 750 were teens (heroin). And they want to (are) legalize marijuana so the states can make money off the taxes, and further increase vehicle deaths. More common sense law.
I agree with all points, except the marijuana part. I think it should be legalized and decriminalized. As someone who suffers from chronic pain largely due to a motorcycle wreck about 11 years ago, I HATE taking pain pills, because they are hell on your liver and stomach...Same goes with alcohol. I would much rather just be able to smoke some mary jane in the evenings to take the edge off and help me sleep and to help manage the pain.

I don't smoke it due to drug testing (and the fact that it's illegal), but I have in the past when the pain got really bad, and I know it does actually work well for medicinal pain purposes.
I agree with all points, except the marijuana part. I think it should be legalized and decriminalized. As someone who suffers from chronic pain largely due to a motorcycle wreck about 11 years ago, I HATE taking pain pills, because they are hell on your liver and stomach...Same goes with alcohol. I would much rather just be able to smoke some mary jane in the evenings to take the edge off and help me sleep and to help manage the pain.

I don't smoke it due to drug testing (and the fact that it's illegal), but I have in the past when the pain got really bad, and I know it does actually work well for medicinal pain purposes.
MudRunner those pain pills can ruin your life. You can get addicted to them and its all down hill from there. I have a friend that has a plate holding his leg together he told me the same thing.
MudRunner those pain pills can ruin your life. You can get addicted to them and its all down hill from there. I have a friend that has a plate holding his leg together he told me the same thing.
I agree. I have a few plates in a few other places from other injuries, and chronic back pain from the wreck. I take over-the-counter pain pills when the pain starts, like Advil, Aleve, etc... Then stop when the pain gets bearable again. Sadly, it's always a continuous pain, just something I've learned to live with. If I overwork myself or overdo it, I can barely move the next day, and it hurts for a week.

That being said, I refuse to give Big Pharma any of my money. All they do is try to get you hooked on opioids and pain meds. Plus, those are horrible for your body.

I would just start taking cannabinoid oils, which are 50-state legal and will NOT pop hot on a drug test, because they contain less than .5 Mg of THC per dose, so it doesn't get you high, it just helps your ailments and helps you feel better the natural way, but that stuff is EXPENSIVE! And being unemployed, I have no spare money. So I haven't been able to try any yet, to see if it helps. Being unemployed is why I haven't been shooting or building any new rifles lately.
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