Accubond LONGRANGE 6.5, 142gr performance


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2015
Rarhdrum ID
I did a quick search but did not really see what I was looking for.
I have seen performance (mostly good ) from guys with experience with 175+ gr ABLR but nothing really for the 6.5's. Let's see your experiences with the ABLR 6.5's.
Recovered bullet story's and photos would be great and at what range.
I am looking to replace the ELDx's I have been using.
Better than 143 eld-x but not much
Retained one from a black bear, 2480 fps impact velocity 82.3 grains recovered. Textbook mushroom. Very dead bear. All other on game performance was pass throughs on cow elk and wild boars. They're hard to catch at 6.5-300 weatherby speeds.
This 142gn ABLR on a chocolate Fallow buck, impact distance 300m, estimated velocity on impact 2600fps.

Entry on chest, exit behind heart, wound channel traverses the thoracic cavity. He still ran 20m, such that I thought I had missed!

No bullet recovered.
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Good info.
Does look to be better penetration than anything I've seen from 143gr ELDx. Nothing but shreds not shrapnel or pieces but like little shavings left of them.
Thanks guys, keep them comming.
I load for my buddy's 6.5 Creedmoor (and everything else). He bought some 142 ABLR bullets for me to load. Last year he took a shot at a standing buck at about 100yds. Bullet impacted the front of the neck and blew a giant hole out of the side of the neck. A really nasty exit wound.

He will be using the same bullet in a 6.5 PRC this year. :eek:
We ran a piece of concrete house siding in front of 4 milk jugs. Hit them at a little over 3300fps. Figured it would splatter. Was a perfect mushroom laying in the fourth jug.
It has honestly done better than anything else we have put to the same test and is one of the fastest thing we shoot that's hunting related.
I dont want to rain on the parade and this was only one animal, but...
My friend was sitting in a stand on his property with my then new 270ss loaded with 150 LRAB's at 3152'. A 3 point whitetail came out at 130 yards and I told him to shoot it with my rifle as I wanted to not only try the new rifle but also the, then, new bullet. It was a super lightweight rifle that I was going to use as a carry rifle for elk when I couldnt hunt my long range stand. He shot it right in the middle of the shoulder. The buck ran full tilt for nearly 300 yards with its right front leg pinwheeling over its back.
We took it directly down to the barn with his tractor and skinned it out. When I cut the shoulder off (WHAT LITTLE WAS LEFT) I found that at least part of the bullet made it through the shoulder but then deflected straight down along the outside of the ribs and blew a small hole out the BOTTOM of the brisket. (nearly 90 degree deflection) When we dressed it out, I found that a small portion of the bullet had entered the chest cavity near the bottom and torn the artery between the heart and lungs. The shoulder wound was as ugly as anything Ive ever seen. The ribs were mostly bare where you cut the shoulder off of the rib cage. Had this been an elk, it would have been long gone.
I have little doubt that they would work well at long range or on rib cage shots closer up but I am very skeptical about shooting anything in the shoulder at high velocity impact.
For what its worth!
FWIW: Here's a pic of a 7mm Rem Mag 175gr ABLR that I shot a Zebra with a 180 yards. Broke shoulder, penetrated both lungs, and was under skin on far side. Recovered weight 77gr. Zebra ran 100 yards


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Ingwe, I seen your original Post on this. One of the reasons I started looking for the ABLR for my 6.5 and reason for this post. Thanks
Elkoholic, thanks for the info it's good to see all sides/experiences.
I may have to give you a call sometime if that's ok, I see we both live in the same town and Rathdrum is not that big!
Ingwe, I seen your original Post on this. One of the reasons I started looking for the ABLR for my 6.5 and reason for this post. Thanks
Elkoholic, thanks for the info it's good to see all sides/experiences.
I may have to give you a call sometime if that's ok, I see we both live in the same town and Rathdrum is not that big!

Glad to hear that brother!! Just passing along my experiences. I shot a bunch of game with regular Accubonds too and I was happy with them until the LR's came along with more BC.

FWIW: I decided to go with the Accubond LR's over the Berger's because they are bonded and the Berger's are not.

Best of luck!
I would like to see more info. But I always had the 6.5 accubonds LR never group well. And it seemed like it did whatever it wanted on game. I have not seen a consisted kill style. Like you hear from Bergers. (then you get those few penicls) but overall work awesome all the time. And the consistent of the Amax over and over. I just haven't seen it with the Accubonds LR. Now for the regular Accubonds I see consistent mushrooms and the average 1" hole exit. Again this is for the 6.5. Seems like the heavy ones do better. But would love to see some up to date info on this.
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