A Pirate Walks Into a Bar

A Pirate Captain walks into a bar with a ships wheel on his willy. The Captain orders a drink, and a fellow patron says, "Hey Capt. You know you got a ships wheel on your willy?" The Captain replies, "ARRRHHHH Matey, and its driving me nuts!"
Now that right there is funny. I bet you are a real hoot around a campfire.
Around a campfire you would have the pleasure to witness me acting this joke out in full animation! 😄 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
You, skipglo, and 338 dude are gonna have to plan yourselves a trip to Texas to hog hunt before I expire. And if the river is right, we can fish all night long. Big gar and catfish. Bring your sense of humor!!!
You, skipglo, and 338 dude are gonna have to plan yourselves a trip to Texas to hog hunt before I expire. And if the river is right, we can fish all night long. Big gar and catfish. Bring your sense of humor!!!
Careful what you ask for! 🤣🤣🤣
A British Captain sent to the Caribbean to root out pirates spots the jolly roger dead ahead. "Fetch my red coat, First Mate!" Pirate ship boarded and destroyed.
Next day two Pirate ships spotted. "Fetch my red coat!" Ships destroyed. First Mate asks "Why do you wear red in battle?" He replied, "If I am wounded, my crew won't see the blood and lose courage."
When dawn came, they saw that they were surrounded by 10 Pirate warships. "Fetch my brown pants, First Mate!"

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