A Few Quick Questions

Wow sounds like a grand time šŸ„³,kids are incredible and smart great to interact with, glad your not riding alone ,cheers n thks

These are tough kids, raised on a ranch, and don't even own a video game.
But they do each have a dirt bike, horse, and snowmobile.
Their mother home schools them, the ranch hands and I teach them sports. Absolutely the least whining kids I've ever met, but quick with a hug, compliment, or to share.

This summer, August I believe, I went to camp alone. Did some scouting, figured out where I wanted to sit, and cleaned up 2 areas some, and the brush down to the game trails so I had a clear shot.
Evening 1 Shannon and I sat up on our little hill, that overlooked a what appears to be busy game trail, that goes down to the river. We had our rifles settled down on the ground, on our little canvas tarp, we had noted the distance to the trail in 3 spots, and we were ready.
So casual sitting on our camping chairs, wrapped in our blankets, sipping hot chocolate from our thermos.
We had sat there less than an hour and along comes a beautiful bull moose.
We slowly and quietly got into our prone shooting positions, and as we had discussed Shannon took the 1st shot, if it didn't just drop, I would follow up quickly with another shot while she she got ready for her next shot.
She patiently laid there, when the moose was near the blue ribbon we had tied to a branch she fired. I was sure that she hit it, but it did almost nothing. It didn't run, it took a couple slow steps ahead and looked up and to the side toward us, and I fired. It seemed like an eternity had passed, but in reality was a couple of seconds. I mainly know it was a couple seconds because others heard our shots and said they were 2 or 3 seconds apart.
It was down a second after my shot.
Shannon was already getting ready to take her 2nd shot, and I said its okay sweetheart he is down. We began walking down the hill and over our radio we hear voices " what did you get"?
I said a nice bull moose.
The others all began heading towards us to help.
We tugged and tugged till his head was facing downhill, and then slit his throat open to bleed out.
We got our little saws out and had just cut his head off when the first group showed up, 15 minutes later the rest arrived.
I love men, those 3 guys basically took over, and began gutting and preparing it.
Us 6 gals mostly watched.
We were only 1.9 kms from camp, and a pretty good trail, but it was not as easy when packing out a moose.
Us women carried out 2 quarters, my boss who is outrageously strong packed a quarter, and the other 2 men carried the last piece together.
We were back at camp, all smiles and giggles, life was good, when we realized that we had left 4 rifles in the bush, and our camp chairs, tarp etc. So the 2 eldest girls of my boss, ( 10 and 12 ) and I, pretty much jogged in the dark back to gather everything up.
Apparently we were loud, because when we got back they teased us about making enough noise to chase off any wildlife within 20 kms. Lol
We were talking, singing, and laughing very loud.
It really was the perfect start to a perfect trip.

Someday I would like to have a child of my own, and hope he/she is even half as awesome as these girls are.
Ps. Sorry for the long rambling post. But good for you if you read the whole thing. Now go get a life šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‰
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