6.5 PRC vs. 22" Barrel ???

Will this combo work or will it just be another 6.5 Creedmoor as far as velocity, etc.
Depending on the powder you choose you should still probably have a net gain of around 100fps with the PRC over the CM in an identical setup.

No way I'd limit myself to anything under 24" personally because there will be a comparative loss with either caliber going shorter but there's no reason either will not "work".
I think it all comes down to whether or not you want to shoot it with a suppressor. If yes, you can get 2800 fps out of a 1-8 twist 120 Nosler BT with a 18" barrel in 6.5 CM. In many places that's all the killing power you need with almost no recoil and no need for hearing protection.

If no, and you want to push velocity because you want to push the CM into shooting animals at long distance, or if you want to punch paper at long range go with a long barrel.
I'm getting 2880 with 140 bergers in an accuracy load in a 22in Proof barreled PRC with H1000.
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