40th Anniversary


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
So today is our 40th and I sit back and reflect upon so much that has happened and blessed us. WE both have lived through life threatening times but still here kicking. Never thought we were going to have grandchildren but now we have 2 beautiful granddaughters that gives us so much joy and peace every time we see them. There is a lot of really bad stuff happening in our world right now but today is a great escape to what really mattered to both of us all these years. Each other. Nobody can take that from us and it is something I hope everyone on LRH can experience or is experiencing the love a family can provide to change your life and outlook.

And yes, I bought a gift or a tribute you might say that I hope my wife will treasure the rest of our lives and demonstrates how much I have been blessed for 40+ years. And no it wasn't a 6.5CM. :eek:

I just wanted to share our special day and hope it brings a smile.
Congrats!!! My wife and I are 2nd timers so we won't live long enough to celebrate our 40th anniversary, ( we are in our 60s ) but let me tell you what, 7 years with the right women is a beautiful thing, if somehow we live to be 93 and 91 I know I will feel just as blessed as you. Congrats again,
Congrats good sir . Me and mine celebrated 20 years this past July . She'd like to string me up about 5 outta 7 days a week but those 2 days she don't want to are awesome. Again congratulations
Congratulations to you and your wife. May you continue to be blessed.
This is my second time around. Had 50 yrs with my first love. Will always have her in my heart. Met my current wife 1 yr later and we are coming up on #8. They are nothing alike except they are foolish enough to love me. I am blessed and now instead of 2 grandchildren I now have 4. I tell everyone that God brought us together not by chance but by his love. We are an experiment. Wife is a Georgia Peach and I am from Brooklyn, NY. GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR !
All kidding aside, There is something special about finding someone that You want to spend the rest of your life with, so you must work at it.

It's easy to just walk away But hard to work out your differences and honor the words. "Till death do us part". I am always happy when someone I know finds his sole mate after one or more divorces, because I know they will make it.

In todays atmosphere, anything over 5 years is a milestone. and should be celebrated. Congratulation to the poster and anyone else that has made the decision to stay in a marriage through good times and bad.

Going for a 75 year anniversary. 👍 👍 👍

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JE; hope the mower had drink holders at least!!😅
Tommy: life us full if turns and glad a fellow ny'er is accepted south of MD line!! I am originally from upstate so still trying to get use to being flatlander in midwest!
JE: omg 75? Thats awesome! Congrats in advance!
Thanks to everyone out there and yes, it is hard work to nurture a marriage but that is what it is, trying times, jobs, kids, tragedy all goes into the mixer that tests your love. The end result is far better than you can hope for and worth every second to get there. I read tragedies on our site and am so thankful and blessed and know it! Wish everyone the same!
So today is our 40th and I sit back and reflect upon so much that has happened and blessed us. WE both have lived through life threatening times but still here kicking. Never thought we were going to have grandchildren but now we have 2 beautiful granddaughters that gives us so much joy and peace every time we see them. There is a lot of really bad stuff happening in our world right now but today is a great escape to what really mattered to both of us all these years. Each other. Nobody can take that from us and it is something I hope everyone on LRH can experience or is experiencing the love a family can provide to change your life and outlook.

And yes, I bought a gift or a tribute you might say that I hope my wife will treasure the rest of our lives and demonstrates how much I have been blessed for 40+ years. And no it wasn't a 6.5CM. :eek:

I just wanted to share our special day and hope it brings a smile.
Congratulations! We had our 30th this year!
Congrats Muddy! Marriage is work but the institution by design promotes love, prosperity and the fabric that binds humanity. It's under assault now but its creator knew what he was doing (and will prevail). Yours is an admirable example.
Congratulations to your wife and you. "And the greatest of these is LOVE." Plus, as the late Billy Graham answered Larry King, when Larry asked him how Billy and Ruth Graham's marriage had lasted over 60 years, "It takes two good forgivers." It is too sad that we live in a country of bitter blamer.
:) May God bless you two with many more years of being one :)
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Thats quite an accomplishment. Congrats on such a milestone. Me and wife are a ways off from 40 still but its something to strive for.
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