
I think your better off with a wsm, I think they're more efficient with a shorter barrel. I'm working up a load in my 17.5'' 7wsm with r17 and a 168smk. I'm at 2850fps with no pressure signs at all... my buddy has a 300wsm in the works, should be pretty sweet with a 18'' barrel.
what action you use . im thinking savage action with maybe 17 inch barrel.what brand barrel you use .
I've got an undesignated savage target action and a mcgowen barrel, they offer a great deal on pistol barrels...
i wounder how much a 17 in flutted barrel in eather 7mm wsm or 300 wsm would cost for a savage 10 action.and will a .308 bolt work for those.
I have a 18in Encore barrel plus JP brake, I only have about 250 rds down the tube. This length barrel seems to work great for me. I have only shot the Sierra 165 SPBT hunting bullet and the Sierra 190 gr MK, both seem to work in a 18 in barrel using IMR 4350. Have fun.

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