3000+lb Buffalo falls to the 375 H&H


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
A few weeks ago my dad and I went on a buffalo hunt my dad purchased here in wyoming up the wood river. The shot was only 100 yards or so right behind the ear but the 260gr Partition dropped him instantly. It was pretty fun to watch that big ole' guy hit the ground. His live weight was a little over 3000lbs!
My dad with his Sako 375 H&H

The head alone weighed roughly 250 lbs

Took about an hour to gut him using a tractors help

The bucket on that Backhoe is kind of a reference to his size.
sorry its already been all processed and not a rib left. however I know Ray Lemay at Basin Processing in basin wyoming processes a lot of buffalo give him a call i bet you can hook you up
We have a couple large Bison ranches around here too... it's absolutely amazing the size of even the small cows. But a 3k lb bull is a sight to behold, they stand out of the herd at ANY distance lol I recall watching a video of a local guy smacking one behind the front shoulder with a 300 winmag.... several times.... old bull didn't even quit browsing until blood ran out his nose... just flinched with every impact as if being bitten by a fly! Crazy for sure...

When are we going to see a TikkaMike LR Bison Kill Pictorial? :rolleyes:
I hear you on that one, once in a lifetime.... I'm always worried I'll be on the other side of the country working when they call!! I guess a guy could always procure one through a ranch, but it just doesn't appeal to me (not for that kinda money anyway)...
thats a impressing looking animal, do you need a tag for buffalo or are they like coyotes where your free to shoot them as you please?
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