2 missed black bears


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2003
Hermiston, Oregon
Well this weekend, my dad, couple friends, and I all went bear hunting in Weneha unit. His nephew said he had been seeing a few good size bears and that we needed to get up there ASAP. So we got off work early Friday and headed up.

Friday night were glassing a big ol canyon and about 7 pm my dad spotted a nice big black bear. He brought his Tikka T3 lite in 7mm RM w/150g NBT's. We ranged the bear at 375 yards. Pretty easy shot, or so we both thought anyways. Since hes never shot a bear before, he was to have first shot. He laid the bipod out prone and clicked his 6-18 leupold up to the 375 yard setting. I also got ready to back him up. At the shot, the bear whirled around and went in the trees. I did not see it hit, and I didn't get to shoot, it was to fast. We went down there and looked for blood as we both could not believe he missed. Thats the way it goes sometimes, you just plain miss.

Saturday rolls around and we headed back up to the canyon to spot. We didn't see anythign in the morning, except for a few deer/elk. We shot a few squirrels and killed some time and started to glass the canyon again about 5 pm. We didn't see anything saturday night. We stayed till dark looking for a bear. WE've always had our best luck with seeing bears about 1 hour before dark.

Sunday comes around and we head up to our favorite canyon and start glassing for bears. We did not see any once again in the morning, not much of a surprise. Once again, we saw a few elk and deer, but no bears. After glassing the canyon, me and a few buddies went to a couple meadows and got some footage of some squirrels being blasted with my 25-06 and 75g vmax. My buddy was using 22-250 w/52g amax, and my other buddy was using 243 w/100g core lokts. I shot about 30 of them squirels and got about 15 on video. It was a blast, especially the ones that got blasted 20 feet, ha ha. The 25-06 was by far the most destructive. After we shot squirrels for the better part of the afternoon, it was time to head back to the canyon and start looking for bears. When we got there we didn't see anything right off the bat. About 1 hour passed and my dad comes running to the truck and says "bear". I get over there and look at it, its a looooooong ways a way, over 1K for sure. Well we got our stuff packed, brought our guns/rangefinders and headed off the hill. We snuck down the opposite side of the ridge and went pretty much to the bottom of the canyon and then we popped over. The bear was now only 360 yards away. I thought, yah this is going to be a piece of cake. Well I started looking at everythign and here were the variables. 360 yards, pretty easy right? 10-15 MPH crosswind coming off the ridge, and the bear was downhill at least 45 degree angle. I started computing everythign in my head and came up with this conclusion. I'll put my scope on 325 to compensate for the angle, and I'll give it 1.5 MOA right for wind and let her rip. My dad was being nice and giving me first shot this time. He musta thought I woulda nailed it, me to /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif I was shooting my rem 700 in 7 RM w/175g ULD RBBT's. Well, I got all nestled in behidn the bipod and let it go. At the shot, the bear turned and went down hill. My friend said he heard the "whop" but I wasn't to sure about it. We only got the 1 shot off. We saw him again, for about 2 seconds running through a little clearing. He sure was going pretty good if he was hit..We started looking more at the situation and this is what it looked like. We only had about 45 minutes of light left, we had to climb down the canyon the rest of the way, but theres a catch. The weneha is some steep *** country, and it was cliffs we had to try to get down. Not really worth risking our life. Also, at the bottom, there was about a 10ft wide rushing creek bed full of water. We looked at our obstacles and figured there wasn't really much we could do. I was mad for a couple reasons, first the bear didn't drop at the shot. The canyons were like vertical limit. Just not in a very good spot. Well after sulking and talking with my dad we started walking up the canyon back to the truck. We only got up there about 100 yards when one of my buddys said theres another bear! My dad and I were just thinking, jeez, bears everywhere. We snuck back down to the point and got the reading off the rangefinder. This time it said 350. Great we though! Another pretty easy range, but the wind and the steep down hill angle was getting to me. I was still really really mad from the last bear, and I'm sure my dad was PO'ed about mising his bear Friday night. So we decided we both shoot on the count of 3. I started going through everything in my head, 350 yards, about 45-50degree angle, 10-15 mph crosswind. Well since I thought I missed the first one, I clicked my scope all the way up to 350, and this time I only dialed in 1 MOA to the right to compensate for wind. My dad said he dialed up to 325. Well we both had our bipds down and ready for the shot. I was counting, and when I said 3, my 175g ULD RBBT was on its way. Funny thing is though, I only heard my gun go off. Ha ha, my dad forgot to take his safety off, oh man you shoulda heard him. Well with my muzzle brake, I seen my bullet land about 1 foot over his back, right in line windage wise though. If I wouldn't have dialed up so far, and only went to 275-300, I think I woulda nailed him. I was so mad to say the least. I just cant believe it really. We got to shoot at 3 bears over the weekend under 400 yards, which is a rarity where we hunt, and what did we come home with, absolutely freaking nothing!! I know I need to invest in one of them angle doo dads. If I miss another bear at 350 yards due to a 45 degree angle, everybody in the state of ORegon is gonna be hearing me. I'm not a very happy camper, and those angle shots are stupid. Why couldn't the bears been directly across from us? Well 350 yards, even if they are at an angle, they all 3 shoulda been toast.

Well that was my weekend. I"m going back next weekend to the same spot and were gonna try and work our way down to where we shot at them bears. I think I missed both mine, but my buddy said he heard a whop on the first one, but I couldn't hear crap cuz my muzzle brake. He didn't act like he was hit either...Anyways, heres a few pics of the area.




I can't say I've never missed a bear. I missed the only bear I have ever shot at. I've read that a bears body fat will seal a would and won't always give you a blood trail. Believe me I searched for hours thinking I hit that sucker, even going back the next day. Hey, leave my squirrels alone im letting them repopulate this year, after my destructive seasons of past. Hehe.
Well I havent got a chance to go yet this year. Actually I dont have a tag but my daughter & Nephew have the youth tag for Chesneimus-Sled Springs unit and I am taking them over in the next week or so. I know how steep that country is, Im getting a bit too old & fat to get around that country very well these days /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif But the kids want a bear rug so off we go.
Good luck on your next hunt, I will be looking for your pics of a nice big chocolate bear
I know I might catch some flak for this... But I think the reason you missed that bear was you did'nt use your 25-06. Everybody knows you can't miss with them. After all, when I missed my bear i was using a 300 mag. I should have used my 25-06.
At 350 yards and a 45 degree angle you should have set the scope for only about 247 yards. I belive the bear would have been yours then.........
Thats what I was looking for JWP, thanks for the info. Man, I knew I was dialed in way to much. It just ticks me off! I missed 2 bears at 350 yards within minutes... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
I did the same thing a few years ago on a great Muledeer at 550 yards I was shooting down hill and subtracted 100 yards and over shot him.The angle was steep enough that I should have just held my crosshairs on the deer and he would have been mine.I learned a valuable lesson,never go in steep mountains with up hill and down hiil shots without an AIC.....................
At those distances, you guy's probably better-off if you did not touch the dial on your scope, knowing that your unsure of the angle. Shooting a higher BC bullet on a flat shooting round like the 7mm Mag, one could easily overshot even a bigger target like bears. Without knowing your rifle Zero, the bullet actual loading data and actual field condition, I put together these data using factory load. At 360 yards, assuming a 12" killzone, the max PBR on your 175 ULD RBBT was probably around 388yards and for the 150 NBT, probably 392 yards. As you can see, you could have hit those bears without even touching the dial on your scope. I always zeroed my rifle at 100 and anything this side of 400 yards, I won't bother touching my dial. You can easily guesstimate the holdover at that distance on big games.
Hey Rem,

Looks like great country. Sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. I've shot high on the steep shots myself. Once with a bow, twice with rifles. Easy mistake to make, especially at the ranges you're talking about. I now carry a sope doper, always!

I gotta tell ya I was dissapointed to read about a shot taken and not followed up on. I read your reasons. Still didn't like it. Long range is pretty hotly debated, and this is one of the key issues. 'Nough said.

Thanks for the story an' pics. Good luck next weekend!! Looking forward to the success photos.
I gotta tell ya I was disappointed to read about a shot taken and not followed up on. I read your reasons. Still didn't like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

grit, I totally agree.

Remmy, surely if you would have killed the bear you would have gone and gotten it. Doesn't a possibly wounded bear deserve the same respect. How do you sleep at night?
I missed plain and simple. My scope was set on 350, shoulda been on 250, I just plain overshot both of them, I know I did. I really highly doubt I hit the first one. After I shot, we saw it running through a clearing, hauling butt about 300-400 yards away from where I had taken the shot, I really highly doubt it was hit. If it was, it wasn't very good and we would have never caught up with it in the dark. And like I said, it was 45 minutes to dark, with the obstacles we had to overcome, getting down a cliff and crossing a river, just wasn't going to happen in that amount of time. If I would have seen him drop at the shot, well hell it woulda been a little different story, but we still woulda had a helluva time trying to get over to it, so whats the difference? It was the same scenario on the 2nd one when I over shot him by a foot. If I woulda hit either of them square, they would not have went far, period. I've shot 4 bears over the years, 3 with a 25-06 between 375-450 yards and none of them went no 300-400 yards after being hit good. Good hit from a 7 mag woulda/shoulda sent them tumbling down the canyon.

I was contemplating even telling the story because I know I'd have to sit here and explain myself on why I didn't go check, on a possibly hit bear. All its gonna do is make me look bad to some of you. I know I missed both of them, plain and simple, end of story.

I dont want this to turn into some kinda ethical battle here. If my dad didn't seem to think it was a good idea to try and climb down that cliff, and cross the river, and try to look for a wounded bear in the dark, then maybe it wasn't a good idea. I for one didn't like the idea of going down the cliff, believe me, you fall off that, your having a broken leg or worse, a broken skull, broken rifle/scope. There just wasnt' enough daylight left to walk a couple canyons over, and walk around. Know what I mean?

The way I see it is this, we just did some pretty **** poor shooting. Were gonna go back up this weekend and I'm bringing a couple friends and were gonna sweep the hillside he last went into. Were gonna spend a whole day in there looking for him. If that doens't do you justice then I dont know what will. I'll surely post results if we find him or not. I"m betting on not though.
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