2 Coyotes with IR Hunter MKII Thermal Sight

Double Naught Spy

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Forestburg, Montague County, Texas


A buddy with more experience on the IR Hunter MKII had warned me about letting the battery get low and I was getting close to shut-down when this coyote popped out. I was letting the battery run low because I am doing battery testing as part of T&E for TCT. It was close and the unit shut down about 3 minutes after the shot.

Anyhow, when I first spied this guy, he was watching the deer that were feeding in the food plot. I blew my call once to get his attention as I got the carbine in the window and then blew it again to help keep his attention and hopefully help keep him from trotting after the deer. Standing still was great. Coming toward me would have worked well. Going after the deer would have been less optimal.

He stayed still and the shot dropped him in place, DDRT. The Hornady SST 123 gr. 6.5 Grendel entered the right upper breast/base of neck area and travel diagonally through the body and exited the upper left side after traveling through 15" or so of body. It was a nice yote, good, soft pelt.

After the battery change, I had forgotten to turn on the Video Out on the MKII when a large coyote appeared at the north end of the field I was watching. He was moving away from me and had gone 20 or 30 yards before I had the carbine on him. He stopped and turned, nose up and sniffing the air when I launched a round into him. The shot entered just forward of the left humerus and exited in a similar position on the right side, burrowing a quarter-sized exit tunnel. As noted in the video, my longest coyote shot and no video for it.

However, he was probably the largest coyote I have taken and he came in at 39 lbs. So all in all, not a bad evening with 2 coyotes down and the landowner being quite pleased.
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