17 Hornet 25gr Bullet

Gregory Duerr

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2018
Sparks, Nv
Have yet to try the 25gr bullet out of the 17 Hornet on coyotes or bobcats and was wondering if anyone have used the 25 in their Hornet.

Im gong to use VV 120 Powder and the Hornady 25gr bullet.................

what experiences do you have
I used the 25 gr factory Hornady ammo on 3 coyotes last winter. They were all dead but they all spun several circles before expiring. All were shot at a distance of around 75 yards. Very little pelt damage! Also killed a few more with the 15.5 and 20gr v max all similar results. I have a bunch of 25 gr bergers and lil gun to try someday.
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