Recent content by YZ-80

  1. YZ-80

    You thought the prices were bad?

    It’s nice to be in a place where people are “awake” versus “woke”. We need to succeed and take over, LRH!!
  2. YZ-80

    You thought the prices were bad?

    Well, the Bushes and the Clintons have been known to vacation together so that ought to further bolster the notion that these guys are oppiset sides of the same coin and yes, the wing on the right and the one on the left belong to the same bird. As an aside, 41’s dad, Prescott Bush worked for...
  3. YZ-80

    Opinions on a long range caliber

    If it was me, I’d standardize around the 300, seeing as though you already have one. Just my .02.
  4. YZ-80

    You thought the prices were bad?

    Central banks run the world. Communist operatives have been at work in this country for over a century. They are incrementalists for a reason. The real decline began in the 60’s in my opinion but the plans were laid for that well beforehand. I try not to confuse “Liberals” with what most of...
  5. YZ-80

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you..

    "I spilled Spot-remover on my Dog and he disappeared."
  6. YZ-80

    Seating Depth Increments?

    Thank you all. Points to consider in the process of continual improvement in this hobby
  7. YZ-80

    Seating Depth Increments?

    Is that a long jump in your opinion? I guess that’s what some rifles like. A node within .003 is tight by my standards, almost within my margin of error but I’m sure it can make a difference. What do you accept for run out? Just curious.
  8. YZ-80

    Seating Depth Increments?

    Perhaps an oversimplification but I always start out at .020 off and only tweak from there if I can't get .5 MOA or less. It seems that "closer" (but not too close) works for me the majority of the time. I don't know what the hierarchy is when it comes to manipulating controlled variables...
  9. YZ-80

    What Reloading Countertop Surface Material do you use?

    I love shooting out of my house.....
  10. YZ-80

    What Reloading Countertop Surface Material do you use?

    I guess mine is like butcher block wood. Basically a Whalen bench that my wife bought for me from Costco when I started reloading in 2008. It is very functional and robust and it’s on big casters so I can move it around when I need to. The RCBS mounting plates were a big help and it has served...
  11. YZ-80

    Master Bedroom Woodchucks!

    Once in a while, they show themselves at my range too. You are not supposed to shoot them but who can resist? I go to the range during the week to avoid the weekend warrior crowd and often times, I’m the only one there so……
  12. YZ-80

    Master Bedroom Woodchucks!

    12 Pounder. 181 yards w/ the RRA V-A4.
  13. YZ-80

    This should clear things up…

  14. YZ-80

    What is it with dweebs on YouTube?

    You can clearly see that he had the second stage suppressed.
  15. YZ-80

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you..

    I always liked these: “If one synchronized swimmer starts drowning, do they all have to?” And.. “When they ship styrofoam, what do they pack it in?”