

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
Hey 1 Mile;
Went out and slaughtered a few p-dogs Sat. Cool weather but no rain.
Shot one at 650 and one at 550. We had a 5-7 mph breeze. Needed a good day. Hope to shoot with you again soon.
I got back yesterday from the Cimarron Grasslands in SW Kansas. Fewer dog towns than in years past, and not a lot of dogs. But enough to keep me interested. Made some 400 yard shots with my .22-250, but mirage (98 degrees in p.m.) and winds (20-30mph) didn't make it easy. Out past 250 yards I missed a lot more than I hit. Still hard to beat the fun factor.

My .22-250 wears a Bushnell 10X tactical scope and the .223 is topped with a Clearidge 4.5-22 power scope. I like the better clarity and higher magnification of the Clearidge. Need a different scope for the .22-250.
Should be going out this weekend. Loaded up a few hunderd rounds. I'm having to work a different bullet for my 22-250 AI. Since the bullet "crisis" they stopped making my 52gr A-max, Going to the 53v-max. Better bc. and the load is the same. Trial time. Still should be just under 4000fps. I have the VX3 Varmint Hunter on mine. Good shooting
I've been out West, to The grasslands a couple years ago. I'm not going back! I was not impressed for several reasons. Cattle everywhere, High winds 20+ MPH, few dogs and very few closer than 300 yards. I believer they have been over hunted. Maybe the high prices of ammo will give them a year to make a come back. Oh yea, crappy camp ground also. Nothing not even shade. I'd pay $150 all day somewhere else and have tons more dogs to shoot at.
Dogs everywhere, pups coming out to be introd to a 22lr. When they got tired {dead} their cousins came to see what was on the menu. Lots of red mist. After that, the Ackley spattered fur balls with a double at 658yds. Well, two days of that and I have to reload for the next time. Nothing like Shooting p-dogs out west.
Dogs everywhere, pups coming out to be introd to a 22lr. When they got tired {dead} their cousins came to see what was on the menu. Lots of red mist. After that, the Ackley spattered fur balls with a double at 658yds. Well, two days of that and I have to reload for the next time. Nothing like Shooting p-dogs out west.

Where at ? I'm going out next month and want to have a good trip for my first time!
I'm just guessing he didnt have to leave his home state. I hope to put together a wyoming trip in the next two years.
Headed to the great lakes this july. Thinking wyoming next june right after my son gets out of school. Never been up that way hunting ill have to make a family trip out of it. Id love some info on where to go in wyoming.
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