Bullseye Camera System Review


Mar 6, 2008
The Bullseye camera system allows you to view live video from a camera set up near your target from up to 1000 yards away on your own laptop computer screen. The whole setup includes a weatherproof camera, a tripod, a 5-hour rechargeable lithium battery, charger, antenna, router, software and a flash drive. It all fits into one nice compact case that looks like a tackle box. Laminated step-by-step instructions with problem solving tips are included. The Bullseye camera system software is currently compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 or 8. Smartphone support (iOS and Android) is coming soon, and will be a free software update.
This is a thread for discussion of the article, Bullseye Camera System Review, By John Johnston. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
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Can you set the camera up more than 8 feet from the target. I'm afraid bullet splash from steel targets may damage it or at long range a bunch of wind maybe hit it.
Can you set the camera up more than 8 feet from the target. I'm afraid bullet splash from steel targets may damage it or at long range a bunch of wind maybe hit it.

Typically 8 feet on a 45 degree angle is about max so that you can see smaller bullet holes. In the thousands of systems we have sold world-wide, we have not had impacts hit the camera or toolbox. So in practice, it's not been an issue.

We shoot steel all the time, and haven't had any issue with splash even with 338's. The camera does have a glass shield over it to protect the lens.
Just wondering as I have been known to bomb away with my Glock at long range and once in awhile they don't always go where intended. I will probably have to refrain from the parlor tricks when the camera is down range.
I bought 2 of these 1000 Yard systems, and the 3000 yard antenna upgrade. I have tasted them out to 1000 yards, just been to busy to try it at my max range about 2700 yards. I can say their customer service is FANTASTIC!!! I haven't had any problems with the systems, just questions before and after my purchase. I am looking forward to the coming software updates. All in all these things are great, and I would recommend buying one. As far as the distance from the target, I missed a wind shift at 1000 yards and poked a hole in one of the tripod legs. I now make sure it is set up on the up wind side of the target. Setting up the camera behind something the bullets can not penetrate is not always an option for me, I have hopes for a higher resolution camera. I guess I should pay better attention to the wind!! Nothing was ruined just a hole through 1 of the tripod legs couple of minutes with the dremel and the leg retracts and the tripod is a smidgen lighter.
I really want one of these but at my skill level my 965 yard gong is still a wind calling challenge. Would a 12" long protective shield made with two thicknesses of 4" angle iron canted so bullets would impact at an angle and thus deflect into the ground...be wide enough to protect the camera/antenna ?
I really want one of these but at my skill level my 965 yard gong is still a wind calling challenge. Would a 12" long protective shield made with two thicknesses of 4" angle iron canted so bullets would impact at an angle and thus deflect into the ground...be wide enough to protect the camera/antenna ?

The camera is not that large, and that would certainly cover and protect the camera.
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