Shot Placement


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
What you yall think is the most effective place to shoot a deer assuming it is broadside? Do you have better success shooting the lower half of the vitals and getting the heart or shooting a little higher to get the spine?

I usually shoot VLDs if that matters.
What you yall think is the most effective place to shoot a deer assuming it is broadside? Do you have better success shooting the lower half of the vitals and getting the heart or shooting a little higher to get the spine?

I usually shoot VLDs if that matters.
Point of the shoulder.

If you are high it's a spine shot.

Low it's a heart/lung shot.

Wide head side, spine/throat shot.

Wide rib side, lungs or at least sucking chest wound.

Of course that depends a lot on what caliber and type of bullett, impact velocity, range, and whether the animal is moving or dead still.
I find that with lower chest(heart shots) game can sprint off and run upto 100m before they run outa juice wheras a spine shot will usually drop them on the spot. this can make a big difference if you are hunting steep stuff or in heavy thick bush.
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