stupid coyote

Jeffrey city huh? Well a lot has changed since you were last there in the 80's. It went from Its peak of being a busy mining town to a ghost town. A few people live there now. The bar is still going. Most of the houses were sold dirt cheap or given aways but you had to move them. Mostly its a wind break for the highway now. I go through there every Friday so ill try and remember to snap a pic Friday And send it to you.

In 1980 it just a road trip through JC. I have heard it is pretty much a ghost town now.When we lived there in the '60s, if I recall correctly, JC had about 300 people. I still know some of the ranchers around there. A photo of JC would be cool if if isn't too much trouble.
Does the state of Wyoming have laws which make it unlawful to do the following:

1. Have a loaded firearm (live ammunition in breech, chamber or magazine) in or on, or discharge a weapon from vehicle
a. a boat unless the boat is propelled by muscular power or is at anchor and the person is hunting, or
any kind of aircraft or vehicle whether it is moving or stationary.
Note: Ammunition may be carried in a magazine that is not attached to the firearm.
b. discharge a weapon within 200 yards or cause a projectile from a weapon to pass within 200 yards of any occupied building. Owners, occupants, or persons authorized by the owner or occupant are excepted, subject to local bylaws.
c. discharge a firearm from or cause a projectile from a firearm to pass along or across:
a) a highway,
b) a road that is paved, oiled, graded or regularly maintained, unless
- the road is held under any active disposition under the Public Lands Act or under an order under the Surface Rights Act, or
- the person is hunting game birds with a shotgun under the authority of a licence.

If Wyoming does then what you describe is an unlawful discharge of a firearm. Think of this as a cannon fodder for the animal rights activists and politicians. We as hunters do not need any additional pressures on the sport of hunting; firearms legislation. We as hunters have a responsibility of due diligence to follow the laws which pertain to our sport!!!
those things don't apply in emergencies. a coyote standing in the ditch shooting you the finger is an emergency. he saved 7 deer
buckfynn "Wanna be game wardens on a forum are kind of like back seat drivers, nobody pays a whole of attention to them. Besides only TikkaMike knows what went on out there that day near Sweatwater,WY, so it is pretty much his business and nobody else's anyways."

Wanna be Game Warden......................... you never know who you are replying too in these forms. Think for a minute what "Topgun 30-06" has said about bragging regarding your said illegal activities. Backseat drivers are observers who pay attention to details.
Additionally, I concur with Topgun's 30-06 comments on this thread.

Now wait a minute. What kind of illegal activities are you blaming me of doing?
Wow topgun3006 is really ****ed at me. I'm getting pm's from him. Here's what I got.
Originally Posted by Topgun 30-06
Are you really as dumb as you are coming across with those posts on shooting that coyote from a highway? If you are, I hope Tom catches you doing it again like you said you would be doing and you get the book thrown at you!!! Anybody that's dumb enough to come on the internet and flaunt game law viloations like you're doing deserves whatever they get, just like that dumbazz kid in Worland who poached that big buck last Fall and then put pictures of it it all over the net, LOL. Can you spell *******!!!

Looks like I got a PM from the Top Gun welcoming committee too.
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they have to have laws to protect us from idiots and to file againgst people shooting across hwys and hurting people. you know, a lot of the laws they have now are actually illegal by the 9th and 10 amendments of the constitution. they make it illegal to hunt p. chicken and then make it illegal to shoot hawks because of libs derailing game depts from managing wildlife and by stacking game depts with lib preservationists determined to ruin hunting and preventing your rights of the constitution. tons of hawks =no quail or p. chickens=no hunting. now in texas we got the new law to only get one gator gar /day. they eat 5lb bass like kids eat chips. in a few we will get to drop the bass limit to one/wk. they made it illegal to kill water turkeys cause the eat millions of baby bass. the only way we have bass now is cause nobody keeps them. we had tons of muleys in the sacramnto mts of seast nm 40 years ago. i would see 25-50/day in archery season. the fur-coyote-prices went down and mt lions were protected and there really isnt a huntable deer pop. in 35 years. they sell a few tags to get money and the biologists think things are fine cause they started workin 20 years ago and hey-ther's just as many deer now as 20 freaking years ago. they know everything cause they took 2 yrs of basics and 2years of wildlife biology and think what they see is normal. get a life. they gave us lobos 10 years ago in se nm and the 3 herds of antelope and several small herds of desert muleys i used to watch are gone. there are some deer in cloudcroft and ruidoso and pinon, etc as they can feed in yards at night and get protection by dogs from mt lion and coyotes. if you hunt the backcountry and see 3 deer you had a good day where i used to see 30. game wardens would kill to catch a guy get a deer to eat while the place is rife with mt lions(of which most the young starves) and the others kill up to 65 deer/yr. we could have tons more deer but da's are happy to draw a tag every 5 years and think they are lucky. ha. and then they want to **** on someone who saved us 7 deer.
So I was on my weekly drive again last friday and to my suprise there was a coyote walking down the ditch next to the highway so i did my normal drive way past him, turn around get my gun ready and go back down to where I was him hoping to get a shot routine. well there he was, I pu.led up to him and he just stood there at 20 yards like he was my lab waiting for me to let the tail gate down. so in my excited high school girl frindzy I decided to shoot him in the head and totally blew right over him. he darted and again like an excited teenager shot into the brush i saw him go behind hoping to hit him and again a miss. not suprised I had missed I jacked another one in as he cam outon the other side of the fence, still only 50 yards away, i finally settled down and put one in his shoulders. geesh what a bunch of embarrasing shooting. leave it to me to blow the easy shots! anyway here he is. really nice coat for this time of year. too bad im not a hide hunter.
I am a Canadian,and as for reading this post , I missed the part were the gun was loaded in the vehicle,shot across a highway,shot from inside the vehicle. So whats next? :rolleyes: Someone please get a LIFE.
Could this have been a domestic raised yote? Once a friend of mine stopped to shoot one and it acted just like this one did for you. It just stood and looked like it wanted to come to him. His little girl was along and asked him not to shoot. So he put the rifle down and called the yote like a dog. It came right to him and got in the truck. It was obviously a raised pet. They took it home and hoped to find who raised it and return it. No luck. It pretty much acted like a dog except while eating it didn't want to be messed with. After a while they retuned it to where it was found and turned it loose.

I raised a pair of abandoned pups once. Don't know why moma left them , maybe she got shot but she did't return after two days so I took them home. They never did trust me and I turned them loose when I though they could make it on their own.

interesting broz,

I don't know, "calling to him" never occurred to me, I wouldn't think so but you never know.

Yeah, I would not have thought to call it either if I wasn't aware of my buddies experience. Even then, I would have been pretty leary of a yote that approached me. Could be a sign of a sick dog too.

At one time I had an 80 acre pen where we kept 30 yotes to train out puppies to track and chase them. I use to have several coyote hounds and train them too. Our home was right in the middle of the pen. At times we would have 3 or 4 laying in the yard waiting for some left overs after dinner. Or we could throw an apple out and they would chase it down and fight over it. One old female would follow my wife about 40 yards behind her as she took walks. She knew she would get a treat when they got home. Pretty interesting animals and in many ways just a dog. Don't get me wrong, I still hunt them and have taken my share and then some. I just found this ones behavior interesting.

I will not judge or get involved in the method of taking a yote debate. But will say , Mike becareful, shooting a yote sure would not be worth loosing any hunting privledges or paying a fine over.

Nice looking yote!! Now go do some reloading and check your zero.:D

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GREAT JOB MIKE. I agree, you saved us a few deer. Maybe these guys can stand in the crosswalks and tackle J walkers. These BOZOS just rub me wrong.
my tame coyote always wore a collar. sometimes you catch an animal in a bind and it doesnt react normally. often a coyote will stop behind a bush as it thinks you can't see it. thats when you hope you have an interlock.
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