stupid coyote

Steyr Luxus---Don't worry about what any of these guys call you since it would appear from their smartazz retorts that they all condone violating the law and are about as smart as the coyote that bit the dust in the OP. FYI it is legal to carry a loaded gun in a vehicle in Wyoming (stupid, but legal), but it is illegal as all get-out to shoot anything from inside the ditches or fence-lines anywhere out there unless it is on private property!!! Posting stuff like this out on an open forum and bragging about it, then putting someone down who appears to be a legal, ethical person is disgusting, but not surprising in this day and age where people openly violate laws just because they disagree with them!!! They can call you or me anything they want to, but in the end we know who the ethical persons are and who will not be jeopardizing our sport and possibly injuring themselves or others by violating laws that are on the books for a purpose and then being stupid enough to brag about it out on the open internet. This is exactly the way that more than one violator has been busted for F&G violations and that's the way it should be. Now guys, you can call me everything in the books too, but I don't knowingly violate F&G laws that are on the books and then brag about it, LOL!!!
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And you are a smartazz violator that ought to lose all your rights for being a blatant violator and stupid enough to brag about it. Regardless of how desolate the country is where you live and did that, you violated the law, so who is "the tool", LOL!!! What an embarrassment to a good website to put something like that up!!! PS: At least learn to use the English language properly when you type as it should be "you're a tool" as "your" is possessive and not proper in your usage of the word. Maybe you should go back and take an English course along with Hunters Ed, LOL!!! I'm done with this thread because it's disgusting to read such violative BS from people who think nothing of it and will continue doing it until they get caught, shoot themselves or someone else, etc.!!!
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Holy crap nice yote ...bad that some people think a gun in the car needs to be unloaded ..Mine never is and I'm in cali
Wanna be game wardens on a forum are kind of like back seat drivers, nobody pays a whole of attention to them. Besides only TikkaMike knows what went on out there that day near Sweatwater,WY, so it is pretty much his business and nobody else's anyways.

I'll say it again. Nice coyote.

So do ever go out in the Red Desert country, TikkaMike?
Wanna be game wardens on a forum are kind of like back seat drivers, nobody pays a whole of attention to them. Besides only TikkaMike knows what went on out there that day near Sweatwater,WY, so it is pretty much his business and nobody else's anyways.

I'll say it again. Nice coyote.

So do ever go out in the Red Desert country, TikkaMike?

Buck yeah I have spent a lot of time in the red desert working in the gas field. Lots of huge antelope and elk. Some deer. Lots of coyotes And badgers. You been there?

I lived in Jeffrey City in the '60s. We would go out there sometimes to do a little hunting. The last time I was in the Red Desert area where you drop off Green Mountain was 1980. So it has been a while since I have been there.
Jeffrey city huh? Well a lot has changed since you were last there in the 80's. It went from Its peak of being a busy mining town to a ghost town. A few people live there now. The bar is still going. Most of the houses were sold dirt cheap or given aways but you had to move them. Mostly its a wind break for the highway now. I go through there every Friday so ill try and remember to snap a pic Friday And send it to you.
buckfynn "Wanna be game wardens on a forum are kind of like back seat drivers, nobody pays a whole of attention to them. Besides only TikkaMike knows what went on out there that day near Sweatwater,WY, so it is pretty much his business and nobody else's anyways."

Wanna be Game Warden......................... you never know who you are replying too in these forms. Think for a minute what "Topgun 30-06" has said about bragging regarding your said illegal activities. Backseat drivers are observers who pay attention to details.
Additionally, I concur with Topgun's 30-06 comments on this thread.
buckfynn "Wanna be game wardens on a forum are kind of like back seat drivers, nobody pays a whole of attention to them. Besides only TikkaMike knows what went on out there that day near Sweatwater,WY, so it is pretty much his business and nobody else's anyways."

Wanna be Game Warden......................... you never know who you are replying too in these forms. Think for a minute what "Topgun 30-06" has said about bragging regarding your said illegal activities. Backseat drivers are observers who pay attention to details.
Additionally, I concur with Topgun's 30-06 comments on this thread.

We no you agree. You were the first dill weed to try And give hunters ed on here.
Wow topgun3006 is really ****ed at me. I'm getting pm's from him. Here's what I got.
Topgun 30-06 said:
Are you really as dumb as you are coming across with those posts on shooting that coyote from a highway? If you are, I hope Tom catches you doing it again like you said you would be doing and you get the book thrown at you!!! Anybody that's dumb enough to come on the internet and flaunt game law viloations like you're doing deserves whatever they get, just like that dumbazz kid in Worland who poached that big buck last Fall and then put pictures of it it all over the net, LOL. Can you spell *******!!!
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