My Dog is Educated! He is smarter than *** *****!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2021
Here is a picture of my dog Bear. Actually he is my wife's and daughter's dog. I just pay for him. He is at his school. He is studying math, science, and business statistics. Please see his photo at school attached below........Note his books. I also paid for those. Just like sending your kid to college.

The thing about my dog......HE IS SMARTER THAN JOE BIDEN!

Now, this coulda been posted under politics, but there is a strict limitation that it has to be related to guns and politics.

I couldn't muster over that hurdle because he is not an English Pointer or a Retriever. He is a Norwegian Elk Hound though......maybe it woulda
qualified. But, I just played it safe as this is just good humor.........;)



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Can't beat a good English Pointer for hunting birds off of Horse back. Receivers (Golden or Labs) are sometimes if not all the time smarter than humans. You are giving Boden a pass if equating with these Canines .Norwegian Elk Hounds are a very good canine and intelligent. Boden is more comparable with an Afghan. Sorry Afghan owners but at least you have something smarter than Boden.
Here is a picture of my dog Bear. Actually he is my wife's and daughter's dog. I just pay for him. He is at his school. He is studying math, science, and business statistics. Please see his photo at school attached below........Note his books. I also paid for those. Just like sending your kid to college.

The thing about my dog......HE IS SMARTER THAN JOE BIDEN!

Now, this coulda been posted under politics, but there is a strict limitation that it has to be related to guns and politics.

I couldn't muster over that hurdle because he is not an English Pointer or a Retriever. He is a Norwegian Elk Hound though......maybe it woulda
qualified. But, I just played it safe as this is just good humor.........;)

I love Norwegian elk hounds I've had 2 and they are great. The second one was my baby 100% . He'd ride in the buggy with me all the time . . And I can guarantee he was smarter than ol joe , didn't mumble or nothing .
My wife says dogs won't be in heaven because they don't have souls . I'm not sure but I'm pretty certain that God has a special place for good dogs or at least I hope to see Koda there
Some say that the animals close to you don't have souls, but what happens when they leave us?
I am sure that GOD does have a special place for them. I have had too many dogs, cats, horses that acted better than a lot of Humans that are out there. They give you unconditional love, devoted friendship and sometimes even give up their lives protecting us.
This was in my vets office


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I love Norwegian elk hounds I've had 2 and they are great. The second one was my baby 100% . He'd ride in the buggy with me all the time . . And I can guarantee he was smarter than ol joe , didn't mumble or nothing .
My wife says dogs won't be in heaven because they don't have souls . I'm not sure but I'm pretty certain that God has a special place for good dogs or at least I hope to see Koda there
Ask your wife to read Revelation chapter 4, 5, 6 and 19.

It mentions at least a lamb, horses white, red, and black, creatures that look like lions and oxen.

Maybe it is just symbolic as in the Lamb.

But, maybe not?

My white German Shepard "Tex"
passed away Dec. 24, 2019.
It was like losing one of the family. Don't know if he's in heaven but I hope he is.

He was a great dog. Twice as smart as Joe Biden!🙂


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My wife and myself have never been blessed with children although we have tried ,so that makes my pets my kids and I feel very strongly about them .I sure hope they would go to heaven because they've all been angels in my book I just hope I may be judged worthy to be surrounded by them all when my time comes. (Tears)
Here is a picture of my dog Bear. Actually he is my wife's and daughter's dog. I just pay for him. He is at his school. He is studying math, science, and business statistics. Please see his photo at school attached below........Note his books. I also paid for those. Just like sending your kid to college.

The thing about my dog......HE IS SMARTER THAN JOE BIDEN!

Now, this coulda been posted under politics, but there is a strict limitation that it has to be related to guns and politics.

I couldn't muster over that hurdle because he is not an English Pointer or a Retriever. He is a Norwegian Elk Hound though......maybe it woulda
qualified. But, I just played it safe as this is just good humor.........;)

He even looks smarter than Joe Biden. :)
Since my dog is smarter than Joe Biden, apparently he is smarter than General Milley, General McKenzie, and Lloyd Austin Sec Def too.

They have all seen fit to throw marine LTC Stuart Scheller in the brig and not accept his resignation after a bronze star, 7 deployments, and 17 years in the marine corps. It wasn't enough that he gave up his retirement and benefits, in order to ask them to take some responsibility for the debacle in Afghanistan.

Believe me, I understand the chain of command....whether its in the services or in Corp. America. Rank has its privileges.
Speaking Truth to Power doesn't always help you.

Just thinking back......I personally would have resigned 1st then asked questions about their actions. He was a bit foolish throwing caution to the wind to attack a machine gun position in the open with no covering fire or support.

Now he is in the brig awaiting military court martial and dishonorable discharge with a 640 pages of charges leveled at him.

I will donate here to help him fight this. He should have probably managed it differently, but he did what he felt he had to do.
He has the courage most don't. He was at Ramadi too.

If you recall Eddie Gallagher a Seal was prosecuted by the Navy for killing some bad actors who were bomb makers. He was eventually cleared. His foundation called Pipe Hitters is apparently the only one out there right now trying to support LTC Scheller.

I am donating here:

Please donate too if you are so inclined. Read down about 2 pages on the web site.

Please don't comment and make this all political beyond what it is. If you want to help, just vote by donating to help
LTC Scheller. No further words needed. Just donate or pass. My dog says this is good policy and he's educated and knows these things. Just look at his picture. He even wears glasses. (See top post).

(I do think this will make recruiting for the services harder than it was already).
My wife and myself have never been blessed with children although we have tried ,so that makes my pets my kids and I feel very strongly about them .I sure hope they would go to heaven because they've all been angels in my book I just hope I may be judged worthy to be surrounded by them all when my time comes. (Tears)View attachment 298825
We as many others have had Canine, Feline, Equestrian friends and sometimes we treat them like our children. I know some people will .say that people like us that are crazy and an animal is "Just an Animal". Myself as well as many other's will disagree. If you ever had a special bond with a Horse, Dog, Cat you can understand, if you never had that BOND - well then you missed out on something very spiritual and special. Guess the animals didn't think you were not a human worthy of a close & special Bond.
I don't want to continue this post if it is negative. everyone is entitled to their own ideas and opinions. I just know from years of having horses, canines & felines that they protected us and were wanting to be with us until the end. Can't explain to anyone that has not has a BOND & Experience.
Len & Jill
Time for me to brag about my dog. No college education or even a high school diploma, but gainfully employed. She is the office dog and greeter. I work in the office only when I have to. When customers arrive, Eclipse ( my dogs name) greets them and gets petted. Most customers give her a treat from the counter, then she walks into the shop and barks to alert me of a customer. She is a pitbull, but she has unusually long legs, heavy chested, light colored hair and blue eyes. I hired her during my midlife crisis period of life. I knew that my wife would get upset if I hired a secretary that fit that same description. She has worked at the shop for over ten years now.