Is this a black bear or grizzly

When in bear country, you should wear a bell and keep a can of bear spray handy. The best way to tell what kind of bear it is, is by the poop. Black bear scat has grass, berries and small animal fur in it. Grizzly scat has grass berries, animal fur, bells and pieces of bear spray can in it.
Washington also has test requirements.

Nice picture. Easy to make the same call for a black bear like everyone else. Washington's test has a couple sneaky pictures with low light or cubs. Shape of the head, ears and front claws all show up well in the picture.
I have no idea on this Oka but are there G bears in Washington?

Most likely encounter with a G bear is in the NE corner of the state near Idaho. However, I'm in unit 204 which is east Okanogan and they have this unit included in the testing requirements apparently out of an abundance of caution. The Washington game site does have some good videos including a couple to help with judging whether the black bear is a male or female.
Grizzer bear