Long Range Target Cam


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
Frankfort, Ky
Hey all! Has anyone purchased/used the 'Eagle Long Range Target Camera' from Desert Precision Gunworks? I've got one on the way and would like to hear others comments on it. Let's hear it! Thanks folks..

I'm interested in how it works for you. I've been looking at target camera systems for our future use. Soon we may have a rifle qualification that goes out to 1500 meters, hard to spot .30 cal bullet trace and such out to that range and beyond.
I hope to do some kind of a review on it. A 'search' for this product here didn't turn up anything. I ordered a new tablet to slave in with it and hope to use it very soon.....camera should be delivered by Saturday if all goes well. Six hundreds yards is my max distance here and then only if I hang the target high enough......dang rolling hills around here.
Figures...😤 NOT gonna happen today.
if it left the place it's been sitting at, your in business.
Oh, it's on the move now.😉

I'm interested in your evaluation of this, as well. I have a bullseye long range model target camera, but I'll be honest, it has been quirky at best and I almost never use it. I'd like to know how yours works out.
Good deal! Due to the 'lay of the land' around me I've had to put together a homemade tall-target to give me some elevation over the rising/falling terrain. Also attached a wooden arm/bracket to the target frame to mount the camera unit on and also to keep the camera unit out of the direct 'line of fire'. I really hope everything works out with this one.
I'm interested in your feedback as well . at one time I was hot for one of these, but it's kind of worn off now .

Hey, Jim! This was the most 'economical' one I could find that still received good reviews. I know target cameras can be 'built' cheaper by a good DIY'er (pretty sure member 'Lethal Chica' did one), but I tend to struggle a bit in that area....especially where electronics are concerned 😁. I'll get ya some feedback on here as soon as I can. I've got a .300 Win Mag ladder loaded up on the bench just waiting.....
Hey all! Has anyone purchased/used the 'Eagle Long Range Target Camera' from Desert Precision Gunworks? I've got one on the way and would like to hear others comments on it. Let's hear it! Thanks folks..

Brother, you're having way too much fun.
Spent some time outside the last couple of days and put this together with some scrap wood that was laying around. Figured I'd better put some sort of 'arm' on the target itself to offset/angle the camera unit away from the line of fire. There is 42" between the end of the arm and the target dot on the poster board. If I still manage to hit the camera unit when shooting then I'm just gonna take up knitting or something else as a hobby. Amazing what you can throw together with some wood-screws, Gorilla Glue and duct tape 😂🤣. Rudimentary AT BEST, but effective nonetheless.......and, of course, it kept me out of the house.

The goose-neck mount below is threaded on one end to accept the camera unit and has a pretty strong clamp at the bottom that I'll attach to the 'arm' on the target stand. Now I just need a camera...more to follow (I hope 😉).
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