Looking for Idaho outfitter recommendation


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2009
I'm looking for an outfitter for a combo Elk/deer rifle hunt in Idaho.

I was last up of 3 on a DIY party hunt this year in Colorado and never got behind the gun. I also got screwed on my Mulie hunt in Nebraska this year so I'm chomping at the bit for a nice Bull Elk and Mulie Buck.

I'm already committed to a cow hunt in Colorado next year so I'm really trying to plan ahead for 2021.

Any suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
I'm 100% disabled combat veteran and Idaho does me a solid on tags. Elk, Mulie and Bear tags together is under a $200.

I am looking into Idaho as well, Elk and or Mule Deer. I have been there a couple of time but have not hunted as of yet. I talked with the state yesterday and they are mailing me some info on Outfitters and where and when to hunt. If you find someone to work with let me know, I got hit by a 18 wheeler in 2018 and don't move very well anymore.

Well you just do it it.

you get veteran preference (different tiers) for employment of gov agencies if you are 100% disabled through the VA/purple heart recipient. Doesn't always mean you can't work. If you can work, you can hunt if you really wanted to.

My VA rating is although capped at 100 is like 340% if you add up all the dumb things, including partial tear in ACL, torn rotator cuff, broken back l3/l4 from an IED, TBI with chronic short term memory loss, and significant hearing loss, etc.

Not pretending to be special but I've yet to see a state that doesn't hook up their resident hunter that is VA connected.
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He'll....i have all thise problems too.....plus i wear glasses....
And being somewhat good looking doesn't help get the animal back to the truck....:D.....
There are levels of disability....some allow quads on roads walked by other hunters for disability......but there's still disadvantages....
A lot of it has to do with unmaintained roads.....
I hope you get it figured out I really do. Most of the State takes a lot of cunning and tenacious effort to dig up a good one without a crowd. Its gotten real bad the last 2 years in Idaho. I think they need stop lights in the mountains here now. People are driving their side bys all over and target practicing deeper into the woods. Its weird. Im looking into horses because I cant get far enough from the crowds by truck and foot. Hopefully your guide has a good honey hole....
And with the winter kill that is happening out there right now with these storms dumping all this snow.....hunting forecast is not looking good for a couple years down the road.......last two years have decimated game numbers...and then there is the predation on top of that........
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