Another reason Why I hate California

And for the record though I sound hostile, which I can be, I'm not trying to be. I've just seen a lot of BS in CA and I want to warn people about how they change a red state into a blue one. So if I insulted, or am insulting anyone I apologize.
We dont go through NICS if you have a ccw. You are already vetted. Only perk we get fot $200
Okay but that seems pretty silly. Because a person can disqualify themselves from having a CCW after it being issued. But that's fine, I stand corrected.
Thinking is if you have a valid lisc to carry a gun you ought to be able to buy one. For ccw we have both state and fbi bg checks. 8 hrs inst and must qualify shooting. They also have enhanced lisc with more stuff and tougher shooting but you can pretty much carry anywhere but federal property. You can even carry to football games and courthouses. Almost 20% of the population has a ccw. They get taken away most commonly for open container... they keep expanding it because we only shoot folks that need it and it funds the cops retirement program. The cops want everyone to carry and seem concerned if you are not. Just put the money in the right place and making friends is easy.
The way open container works is is there is one in the car it belongs to the ccw holder. Period. Cet caught and you lose your permit. If you have a gun you do a year in jail. No discussion.
I get your line of thought, but I've seen how poorly the govt works. So even though a person goes through a background check for a CCW a violation disqualifying that CCW can go unnoticed for a long time. We're talking about the government. So I have no faith in them. Take for instance the 44k felons who tried to purchase a firearm. I believe only 44 out of that 44k were prosecuted. Those were slam dunk cases where they committed a felony. So unless you've seen CCW's taken away immediately for whatever violations you're only assuming the govt will do the right thing.
They wont. We wouldnt even have the ccw program here if it wasnt really just a tax to fund govt pensions. However, it has been wildly successful and it has the cops on the gun owners side. This is how you have to play the game with the govt if you want to keep rights you used to have for free and is a good example of how to gain allies, which the folks out west really need.
I turn 55 this December. Decided to buy myself a wonderful senior citizen gift for myself in the form of a GA Precision Crusader in 6.5 PRC. It was suppose to be completed in early December but it arrived at the gun store a week ago. I started to fill out the paperwork and the salesman says I need my social security card and a utility bill showing the same address as my driver license. Is this just a California thing because last year when I purchased a rifle, my license and my retired sheriff ID was good enough. And don't even get me started on the taxes here.
I went to buy hunting ammo last week and had to show them my birth certificate.
Yes- ca doj has a firearms bureau and each firearm is recorded by dealers record of sale (DROS) but the original poster needed docs to fulfill residency requirements and this is logged on the federal form 4473 and retained with the subsequent dros on a handgun sale.

Wow, Just Wow.

A correctly completed 4473 is what's needed here if you have a CCW permit. No need to call anyone or get someone else involved.

This is how it should be in your state in my humble opinion.
I honestly cannot feel sorry for Anyone in California. You all keep electing the same Commie Idiots over and over and over again. This fact alone should be enough to End voting rights period. Voting is too much power to put into the hands of Fools.

I believe California is much like New York in that small-in-size-overpopulated areas carry enough votes for the whole state.

Rural New York is a different world from NYC.
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