Come at me Bro.’ Pew-Pew-Pew-Pew

Zen Archery

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
This is why I shoot hogs in the neck and head! Minus the fact the grass was so high I couldn't see the head or neck. Glad I practiced working this bolt.


I am shocked! a 6.5 with some good shot placement took 6 rounds to put down that small hog. I am never using a 6.5mm, EVER. I will stick to my .430", .338", .308", and .375" projos I used back in California to take out 125 pounders to 1,000 pounders. I knew I did not like .264" projos.. this seals it.. not going to waste my time with any 6.5 MM bores.
I was waiting for someone to slam the oh holy Creedmoor. Now my turn .
I can't believe the wonderful long range killing machine a world record holder of all things that need to be shot couldn't kill a pig with it just being grazed . I'd run it in the ground barrel first and run over it with my Prius. I don't own one but I would if I had a Creedmoor.
This video is as bad as the other one that was posted where the elk was shot 6-7 times with the Creedmoor. Just gives anti hunter more food for thought
Just my 0.02
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