NRA In Serious Trouble?

"Having no morals or values won't get you very far"...mudrunner
Got Obama and his in White far has kept clintins and the conspirators out of prison.....

North not staying is the last straw..but his requesting a committee to investigate the finances shows theres a situation in need....but goes to show that he also believes the monies are being stolen from inside....lapuke.....
Oliver North is a hack just like LaPierre. North gets paid by the NRA and the marketing firm looking to oust LaPierre.

Other than the lack of focus on gun regulation in the courts and state houses the incestuous Ponzi scheme surrounding the NRA right now is the major problem and they know it.
"Having no morals or values won't get you very far"...mudrunner
Got Obama and his in White far has kept clintins and the conspirators out of prison.....

North not staying is the last straw..but his requesting a committee to investigate the finances shows theres a situation in need....but goes to show that he also believes the monies are being stolen from inside....lapuke.....
Yes, and look what's happening to them now. Karma might take a while to fully kick-in, but she does always win in the end. Corruption and deception will only get you so far for so long, before the weight of your crown comes crashing down on your head. Nothing of this earth is permanent...Including power and wealth. Obama and the Clintons think they're untouchable...They're not. The problem is, it's not them, it's their globalist masters that keep putting up road blocks to keep the DOJ and the world from seeing who's REALLY behind the curtain, and just how deep the rabbit hole of corruption goes. Make no mistake, they will all be exposed...And soon.
I sure he'll hope so....
Need to hammer everyone....even Sanders for taking kickbacks on his 'book'.....we all know he's an idiot...and Clinton's payed him thru the bookstore......lets see all the finances.....
And what do we think about the Russian women busted for spying and infiltrated the NRA ? What is Russia afraid of ? Gun rights and free citizens .

the 80's were a turning point. Russia decided that they liked the ideals of Old America, and tried to copy us in many ways, eventually overthrowing their global socialist overlords. In America, the left doubled down on their hatred of Old America and decided that they were going to go full global socialist.

full paradigm shift. No wonder the left hates Russia so much these days. My big complaint against Russia is that they still are very tight with their gun policies. Common citizens still have to jump through hoops to get anything, while Chechen terrorists run around with RPGs, LMGs and grenades.
the 80's were a turning point. Russia decided that they liked the ideals of Old America, and tried to copy us in many ways, eventually overthrowing their global socialist overlords. In America, the left doubled down on their hatred of Old America and decided that they were going to go full global socialist.

full paradigm shift. No wonder the left hates Russia so much these days. My big complaint against Russia is that they still are very tight with their gun policies. Common citizens still have to jump through hoops to get anything, while Chechen terrorists run around with RPGs, LMGs and grenades.
Very True. The left sure does think Russia is a threat. Especially Billary.
Obama had years to deal with Russia and did nothing . I guess his mic was on statement that I can do more when I'm re elected was true ...??? What a disgrace to this country.
The Only threat that Russia poses to the past administration is the false claims and payoffs.....
I wish Putin would come over and testify in front of Congress about everything he knows and what monies he gave to the Clinton's and Obama's and Biden and Holden and the rest that signed off on the uranium deal.....and yes that includes Bob Mueller......wann know why they had to keep the Russia crap going for so try to coverup all the payoffs...
Time for it all to come out....and fatassed peoples heads to roll.....
The Only threat that Russia poses to the past administration is the false claims and payoffs.....
I wish Putin would come over and testify in front of Congress about everything he knows and what monies he gave to the Clinton's and Obama's and Biden and Holden and the rest that signed off on the uranium deal.....and yes that includes Bob Mueller......wann know why they had to keep the Russia crap going for so try to coverup all the payoffs...
Time for it all to come out....and fatassed peoples heads to roll.....
You are so correct ! Hopefully Trump keeps the ball rolling on the payback. There will be s lot of rinos that won't back him. Collins, Murkowski, *** Romney and probably Gramm. I bet Mike Lee wants to kick Romney's adds. Lol
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