Cooper 92 6.5-284 gaining accuracy

All rifle Manufacturers have issues, Cooper is not alone

I bought/ordered a Weatherby Mark V Range Certified Outfitter 6.5-300, ordered it on Oct 2nd 2015, received the rifle one year later Oct 2016, went to the range 4-6 inch groups with all their factory ammo ?? how could this be when it was test fired (Range Certified) before it left the factory ? and was shooting .7" groups by the test target they sent.

I tried 4 different hand loads with a friend of mine who shot competitively same thing, new scope, same thing, had my Gunsmith shoot it and check it over same thing 4-6" groups !

Send the Rifle back Dec 2016 they promise me I will have a good shooting rifle by the end of Feb, end of March rolls around nothing not a peep ? I send Adam Weatherby an Email explaining whats gone on ask for my money back, he calls me himself and says Ill ensure you will have your rifle by the end of April in good shooting order and offers 4 boxes of ammo for compensation, ok I can wait, end of Aprils rolls by nothing not even an email saying hey were backlogged can you wait which I would have ?

now the end of May and not a peep,

I call the Weatherby Rep Ive been dealing with and she tells minimum 3 more months ???? *** by the time I'm going to get this rifle its going to be pushing two years ??? ok Ive had enough email Adam and ask for my money back and he sent it out that day apologizing.

But of course I spent money on Factory ammo, dies, brass, 6 trips to the range ? so I'm reluctant to buy factory rifles anymore at that price Ill just have then built.
I sent mine back to Cooper right before Christmas. After a month I called and they told me 6-8 weeks and I got my rifle back right at the 8 week mark.
I had some light corrosion on the top of my bolt which they said they were familiar with and refinished it. I also had very stiff bolt lift after I would dry fire it. I can't remember what they said they did about trying to correct the stiff bolt lift but it is somewhat better. It probably just needs to be shot more and broken in.
Man that's discouraging. Any word on your rifle at all?
Just they havent touched it. They have had it for 3 months. I know I sound like a ***** but I need to be shooting it for this next season. As a production based manager when you fail to deliver on your product bad things start to happen. They need to think outside the box on this one and either hire more help, keep a higher stock on hand if its a parts issue, or contract out the overload. I feel they are overworked and may cause them to start taking shortcuts that create a lower grade product. This will affect the consumer base and create negative backlash. The other reason could be Taking the extra time to get it right. But the backlog is exploding so the contract some work out part should be seen.
Cooper finally got to my rifle. They repaired the ejection issue and did confirm it did not meet accuracy guarantee. They are still working on the rifle. I am ready to get it back.
Good news at least.
Ouch. Been wanting a backcountry for sometime and was on the top of my list. Guess I'll look harder at the Kimber lightweights.

I had a savage LRH that had the action threads in receiver crooked so Savage had it picked up. They wound up completely building me a whole new rifle from their gunsmith in the custom shop I believe. After it was built he shot it for accuracy and is a tack driver. While it did take a few months, they personally built the rifle for me and was worth the wait. A little off topic but they did get on it right away and fixed it. Sounds the opposite of your situation unfortunately.
Well they still have the rifle with no updates. I have hunts that start in two months. I subguide and we have a pile of hunters. I am getting impatient.
Well they still have the rifle with no updates. I have hunts that start in two months. I subguide and we have a pile of hunters. I am getting impatient.

Sorry to hear that, I was able to get mine back in 3 weeks, got a new stainless steel bolt and it cycles the rounds correctly and doesn't crush the shoulder anymore. Hope you see the rifle soooon.
Sorry to hear that, I was able to get mine back in 3 weeks, got a new stainless steel bolt and it cycles the rounds correctly and doesn't crush the shoulder anymore. Hope you see the rifle soooon.
I been trying to get an answer but only can get the receptionist to tell me to call the warranty department. The warranty department is not answering email or phone calls. Hopefully its because they are busy working.
Cooper finally emailed me. The receptionist said it will be done soon. The smith said he sent it back on the 18th. I asked for a tracking number to see where it is. Hope its a shooter or its going to Defensive edge.
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