You Know You Are Old When:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
This just happened to me moments ago and just had to share it. I turned on desktop tower PC and got the dreaded WINDOWS 10 BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH!

Then I realized I somehow I hit the monitor switch off when I was cleaning my work station and of course the screen was black. It was OFF!
Thanks Muddy. Glad I am not the only one to trick myself once in a while. Secondary, it is actually nice to laugh at ourselves once in a while. And sharing gives other folks a chuckle as well.
Have a great day!
Nope! Age is not the issue. Most people, regardless of age, look for the worst case and forget the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) approach. First thing in every case is to check to see if the plug is in the wall. Or in the case of shooting, is the safety on when it does not fire.

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