Wood Stove Tent Jack Needs Help


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
My tent jack is not really holding up well to stove pipe thru it. I found this at Jegs which might be easy button fix to insulate the pipe from the tent jack. I am going to order it and just fender washer screw it to pipe. Its good up to 750 direct heat and 2000 radiant heat. 18x20" so perfect for total pipe wrap.
LINK: Jegs
So I just added to stove pipe and it holds up to 750 direct heat and up to 2,000 for indirect heat. Doesn't take up much space at all. I bet this is an improvement in protecting tent stove jack. Can't see how it won't help! For $28 worth a try. Will report out once I put up tent in couple weeks to double check for trip. I will fire up stove then as well.

BTW the tape was just my 3rd hand to keep it in place for drilling.
They also make stainles zip ties, that work well for securing heat wrap we use it on turbo covers.But drilling and screws works. The other option would be header wrap it comes in a roll and works well also. Your set up looks good, lets us know how it turns out. P.s. titanium wire and a lacing tool can be used as a substitute to secure high heat materials just another option.
Thought about the SS zip ties but I had SS screws and washers on hand from having a boat. So just a little saving attempt but I know the SS ties would look better too. Good comment!
I used SS ties many years ago in Environmental work but thanks for thought. I am not sure how much heat transfer will occur through screws but will see. Thought about trying high temp tape and it may work but $$$ for something I use couple times a year at most.