wolf killed in SE MT


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
We just talked to someone in Broadus MT that found a couple wolves killing his sheep and permenently detered one from doing it again. So I would suspect they will be in the Dakota's and Nebraska before long......
I don't doubt that a bit, there have been multiple sightings here in Gillette, which is ~90 miles south of Broadus. One was even able to be photographed by a local newspaper reporter....

Believe me.... we are counting the days....gun)
We had some fresh snow the last day of deer hunting(for me anyway)in the western black hills and we came across a pair of wolf tracks about a half mile from the Wyoming fence.

There are wolves in the western Black Hills of South Dakota.

One of the guys took pictures of the tracks and measured them.
Correction to the post there was 1 male black wolf killed at 9 am 3 miles north of hammond montana that was 74" long 36" tall and weighed 98 lbs the wolf had about 20 ewe labs jambed in the fence corner less than 350 yards from the house killed one and was working on another when duane shot the wolf. there is a gray wolf west of broadus 40 miles but no one has had livestock killed that they know of. here are some pics my mom took of my dads wolf and him and the size comp between a above average coyote


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Thanks for posting.

Are the measurements you give from the woof hanging w/the yote.

I'm attempting to gather data to fact or fiction the actual size of those suckers.
Just as an interesting side note...

My sister had a male Timberwolf-dog as a pet and it weighed 165# and when it jumped up and put it's paws on my shoulders it's head was a good foot above mine (I'm 6'2" tall)!!
yes it is the correct measurements. yes a hybrid is a very big animal and im not bashing her dog if i could i would have one, but they are more aggressive than a wolf.. a couple years ago north of miles city montana they had a couple hybrid dogs running around and they did alot of damage to multiple ranchers livestock and dont forget this wolf was only 2 1/2.
I've got family that own a ranch near Custer, both them and serveral of the neighbors have spotted wolves up and down the Bighorn river. Not in the numbers we're seeing in the Northwest, but the little bastards are there.
That's no good it will get really ugly by 2013 I'm afraid down around broadus and Hammond we are getting more black bears and lions but the biggest problem is the **** radio collars on them but a log in a quick moving river would pack it in a not so obvious path lightbulb
When I moved to Montana I was told 3 things about wolves by my rancher brother-in-law:

1. Shoot

2. Shovel

3. Shut up

His neighbor lost 6 bulls in one night to something. They were scared enough to jump off a cliff. Major financial catastrophe.

A couple of wolves were seen near his place recently.

Personally, I have only seen one timberwolf and my dog ran it off. He's a Rottie Shepherd, which is a good dog for wolf country. Glad I had the dog along that day.
**** you got lucky I live in Fairbanks ak when I'm not on the ranch and people around here lose dogs quite often to a wolf
That's why I said a log in a quick moving river! If they got a signal of the collar doing 60 then they would know it was stuck on a semi that had parked over night!:D
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